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Improvement of methodological approaches to the assessment of restrictions (encumbrances), which are set by forming safety and sanitary protection zones, zones of sanitary protection zones and special regime of land use
In today's market conditions land relations require the formation of new relationships between landowners and land users in Ukraine based restrictions or encumbrances of their rights to land. Given the presence of many scientific sources on this issue and in particular economic environmental and social assessment of restrictions and encumbrances in land use determination and compensation for losses and damages remain or are disputable. so required deeper study in the structuring of agricultural land use on the basis of sustainable development.
Analysis of the literature on the assessment of restrictions (encumbrances) land use shows that the majority of scholars hold to the same methodology, namely to determine forgone income restrictions (encumbrances) land use. However methodological approaches to the definition of forgone income researchers used different.
Doctor of Economics, Professor. D.I. Babmindra believes that forgone income (ND) is the sum of: forgone income from temporary non-agricultural land use (ND1); forgone income due to the reduction of soil at the site at the time of the return of the landowner (land user) (ND2); forgone income from land adjacent to the temporary land plot caused by the influence of the temporarily allotted area. At this approach is easy to see that the total forgone income appropriate to include only ND1 and ND3. Income ND2 inappropriate include, for double counting will.
Doctor of Economics, Professor D.S. Dobryak recommends determine loss or damage arising from the use of or restrictions deterioration in the quality of agricultural land under the influence of enterprises, institutions and organizations, as a percentage of the cost of regulation development of new land depending on the decrease in the value of agricultural land according to normative evaluation.
It is necessary to determine other methodological approaches to assessment revenue shortfall while limiting the use of arable land on the definition of grain equivalent. The essence of this method lies in the ratio (comparison) the net income estimated crop to net income from growing crops. By analyzing this approach it is necessary to state that it is in comparison to other is complex if included in the calculation of all main agricultural crops. And most importantly that the other incredibly confirm official documents. This is very important in terms of real compensation for losses caused by restrictions (encumbrances) in agricultural land use.
It is also necessary to consider the methodological approaches to assess losses and damages that are caused by the construction of linear structures of pipelines (oil and gas pipelines, water pipes, underground sewer collectors). For example, take a scientific approach R.M. Kuryltseva which provides the basis for the decrease in the value of land due to the construction of the pipeline put bonitetnu assessment of considering soil factor intensity of land use. By analyzing this approach can not agree with its author, especially in the use of mechanical distribution of the pipeline route for field survey and sampling of soil sampling for analysis every 100-150m for each set of soil separation.
It is advisable to carry out a field survey on the highway and on both sides of it - up to 50m - determination of agrogrup soil on which to take soil samples for analysis and establishing of norms morphological and physico-chemical properties. This information is be made to act and the act of signing the Commission, which should include land owners and representatives of the pipeline. In addition to the lack of mechanical distribution route the pipeline to the field survey, the need to consider the status of use of land plots which are taken for the construction of linear objects.
The current land legislation regulates the damages that caused by withdrawal (redemption) or lease farmland for the construction of linear objects.
The size of compensation of losses of agricultural production based on the baselines determined according to the range of soils that are prevalent in the areas of construction and are available for example the routes of the pipelines or other linear features.
Considering imperfection of existing methodological approaches to the assessment of restrictions (encumbrances) in agricultural land use and determining the losses that are caused by these restrictions, there is a need to develop new scientific approaches and improve existing methods for evaluating restrictions (encumbrances) in land use which would be more acceptable in modern market conditions.
Key words: forgone income, grain equivalent, restrictions (encumbrances), sanitary-protective zone, soil quality score, yield capacity, compensation of losses, the intensity factor.
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