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Market product analysis of meat-processing branch of Ukrainian industry.
Abstract. In the article the food production structure in 2013 has been analysed. It has been determined that the meat industry share accounts 17.3%. The dynamic changes in the meat production and marketing and prepared meat products are reflected. In comparison with the food industry in general, during 2006-2013 the meat production and meat products increased faster, excepting for 2008-2009. This makes it possible to assert that investigated sub-sector is promising for development, but also sensitive to environmental changes, such as economic indicators. The statement is confirmed by production decline of all meat products in 2007-2009. This is a reflection of the economic crisis, but since 2009 there is a positive trend, meant that during 2010-2013 total annual production growth is observed. The specificity of meat products market is its dependence on raw materials. It is advisable to compare the growth rates of meat and finish products. From this point of view it may be noted that since last 3 years, the situation has been reversed - with increasing growth rates of meat production the faster growth rates of finished meat products manufacturing are observed.
The factors affecting the growth rate ratio of meat production and meat products are characterized: the changes in the market of meat in carcass weight; increasing the share of imported raw materials in the production of sausages; increasing the volume of exports of meat products.
The regional concentration of finished meat products production and the shares of their manufacture depending on the business entity forms are defined.
The largest share of the meat products market (35%) are concentrated in the Central region, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia and Poltava region. The Western Region share n the market is 10% (Lviv, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region). Eastern Region in the meat processing market takes 26%. The leaders in the production are Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Kharkiv. The Southern Region and Crimea - accounts for 7% of the market. The main share proposals formed by market meat processing plants - 60.7%, households form a 32.3% share. The share of agricultural enterprises is 5.2%. The share of imports in the whole market is less than 2%.
The tendencies of demand in the meat products market are investigated. Sausages take 70% of final meat products in Ukraine. One reason for the increase in production of sausages is pork growing demand, because fat is a major component of the formulation of sausages. The other one is welfare improving.
The bulk of production accounted for bologna - 41%, hot dogs and sausages - 23% smoked sausage - 15%, boiled and smoked sausage - 6%, and other types of sausages - 15%. Canned meat market is slowly declining, due to the low quality of raw materials and changes in consumer preferences and incomes.
Considering the canned meat market, it should be noted that liver paste takes 45%, canned in beef and veal - 26%, pork and poultry - respectively 19% and 10%. Now one of the most attractive segments is the production of chilled and frozen food high degree of readiness.
The changes of export rate in product categories and the ratio of domestic production and imports of meat products are also analysed. It is determined that the total volume of meat exports products increased by 4.65 times in 2010-2012, but in 2013 fell by 13% compared with the previous year.
The analysis of the structure of the meat products market in terms of nationality may claim that in general at least 98% of goods are domestic production.
Key words: meat processing products, sausages, product segmentation, import.
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