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The anti-crisis development mechanism of the agricultural enterprises
The lack oftransformational change adequate management has led to uncertainty in the operation and strategic development of economic entities agriculture. In consequence, most of the agricultural enterprises are loss-making; others are on the verge of critical and catastrophic risk, which manifests itself through the crisis. A comprehensive assessment of enterpriseseconomic efficiency is an important part of a crisis management system and an additional incentive for the domestic economydevelopment.
The crisis management is defined as a mechanism that is able to anticipate or mitigate the consequences of the crisis and to maintain the functioning of the enterprise in survival mode in a given period of time and remove it from the crisis with minimal losses.
Development strategies of enterprises anti-crisis activities requiremechanismsuse for continuous monitoring of internal and external environment to identify factors that threaten the socio-economic systemfunctioning.
To increase the validity of decisions one should regard the selection of anti-crisis strategy development which can account for the time factor and characterize the life cycle of the enterprise. Each life cycle stage of the enterprise has its own peculiarities of behavior that should be considered anti-crisis measures.
The development strategy of theagricultural enterprises anti-crisis progress will focus on achieving long-term goals aimed at overcoming the economic crisis and the future effective functioning. From the practical implementation of strategic planning agricultural entities that are in a protracted crisis, will benefit all actors of the economic system, since the development of agriculture is a characteristic feature of the sustainable economic growth of the country as a whole [6,11].
One of the important problems of providing agricultural enterprises anti-crisis development is theeffective system formation ofthis process management. This necessity arises from the importance of management in ensuring the coordination of all production factors: technical, technological, organizational, economic, informational, social, psychological, and others. [9].
The implementation of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the economy agriculture, in our opinion, is possible only when there is formed an economic mechanism aimed at addressing the crisis on enterprises and their further anti-crisis development.
The organized, structured approach to assessing the viability of implementing the measures of anti-crisis management accounting managerial impact allows the company to adjust its future actions.
Thus, to create an effective anti-crisis development mechanism of agricultural enterprises activities should be implemented at the state, regional and macro levels taking into account socio-psychological factors and institutional and structural components. The main factor is the improvement of the organizational structure of agricultural enterprises, based on strategic planning and risk preparedness. Measures that are implemented by business entities should be actively supported by the state through preferential loans, subsidies, easing the tax burden and social infrastructure development.
Features of the domestic agricultural sector at the present stage ofUkraine’s economy development have created the need for urgent implemented measures for its improvement. The performance of agricultural enterprises in their strategic development depends on the level of development and efficiency of the organization and management system, the balance of its basic elements, including organizational-economic mechanism of crisis processesmanagement.
Key words: agricultural enterprises, theanti-crisis development mechanism, strategy, strategic development, threats, organizational structure of farms.
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