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Analysis of the development of rural areas social infrastructure
The article analyzes the current state and trends in the development of social infrastructure of rural areas, on the basis of which the difficulties of its development in martial law are highlighted. It is argued that the development of social infrastructure should be considered as a comprehensive provision of favorable conditions for human life based on the rational placement and effective use of territorially interconnected social facilities in order to preserve the rural structure of life and sustainable development of rural areas. The tools for supporting the development of social infrastructure of rural areas in leading countries of the world are systematized and a conclusion is made about their implementation during the period of post-war reconstruction of the country.
It is revealed that as a result of decentralization, social infrastructure facilities were closed in some rural settlements, which led to an insufficient level of coverage of rural areas and access to their services by the rural population. The conclusion is made about the feasibility of developing mobile infrastructure in sparsely populated rural settlements and servicing the rural population through support settlements.
It is substantiated that the implemented medical reform in rural areas has led to a 40% reduction in the number of FAPs, which may mean a deterioration in the rural population's access to medical services.
It is argued that medical institutions experience a shortage of qualified medical personnel, low equipment of institutions with modern equipment, a lack of high-quality roads and ambulances. The need to increase the attractiveness of the work of a medical worker in rural areas and to resolve disagreements regarding the unprofitable maintenance of patients in excess of the established norm of service, as well as to motivate them with wages, is emphasized.
It was found that the number of general secondary education institutions in rural areas is decreasing by 36.3%, while there was a slight decrease in the number of students by only 8.2%, which led to an increase in the number of students per institution in 2023 by 44%. It was concluded that it is necessary to organize reliable transportation of children to schoolsin larger settlements, which is a difficult task due to the increased risk of underfunding of these measures.
Key words: social infrastructure, rural population, standard of living, rural medicine, educationalinstitutions, accessibility of social services.
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