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Yield as a tool to ensure the economic sustainability of farms

The growth dynamics of the situation of national and global markets, frequent changes in legislation, an extremely rapid pace of scientific and technological progress, increased competition led to the functioning of the farms in the face of uncertainty and risk. Formation of economic stability will ensure the effective operation of farms and will form the basis of the high potential of development in the future.

Today, the relevance of economic stability control companies, on the one hand, due to the need to improve administrative processes, and the other - the lack of a modern approach to understanding economic sustainability as an integrated system characteristics. Typically, such an understanding is limited by the financial aspect, which is not conducive to the formation of conventional wisdom on a clear definition of the nature of economic stability and mechanism of management.

The article deals with the essence of the concept of economic sustainability of the enterprise. The conditions and factors of economic stability, the peculiarities of its formation in agricultural enterprises are analyzed. The key economic instruments of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises are determined. The influence profitability of agricultural enterprises in their economic stability is determined. One of the most important conditions for sustainable development of agricultural enterprises is determined, such as the stability of production and technical base, support its competitiveness, so you can compete with other producers in the market.

It is Investigated that company with a relatively steady increase in production volumes and steadily growing amounts of profit can be considered economically sustainable. The company can be considered economically unsustainable if its economic condition characterized by frequent recessions, low liquidity, low profitability and frequent threats of default on obligations.

The author stated the most important elements of economic sustainability, namely: financial, technical, technological, production, marketing, organizational, investment stability.

In accordance with this goal essence category of "economic sustainability of the enterprise": a company's ability to make a profit in an amount sufficient to build its strategic potential and realization of competitive advantages, the implementation of expanded reproduction in the long run, maintaining a rational industrial structure in the process of development and adaptability to the changing market environment. The basic conditions of economic viability – maximizing profits.

It is analyzed that in the present context the main criterion of stability of agricultural enterprises in the context of globalization in the long run is not so much an increase in income or output and not so much solve the food problem for the entire population as – conservation of soil, its fertility and other natural resources – human and as the main factor of production. In this approach, thep rofit is only the main condition of continuous development, the implementation of expanded reproduction, it can be a criterion of optimality only in the short term.

Key words: agricultural business, profitability, economic stability, resource potential, and supported stability, financial stability, economic development and governance.

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