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Theoretical basis of concept interpretation of "investment" and "investment activity"
It is proved that dynamic and efficient development of investment activity is a prerequisite for ensuring economic growth of the country and ensuring reproductive dynamics on an innovative basis. Activation of investment activity results in the manifestation of economic, environmental, social effects at the macro, meso and micro levels.
The approaches of foreign and domestic theory of investment activity are generalized, the methods of state regulation of the investment process are systematized, which facilitated the substantiation of the components of the investment mechanism. The means of cognition and economic categories are described as an instrument for understanding the functioning of the investment mechanism and the financial regulation of the activities of investment institutes, as well as the results and means of this knowledge used in the theory and practice of studying the problems of improving the investment mechanism.
The information and analytical provision by statistical authorities of the process of studying investment processes in the context of the main forms of investment is emphasized, investments in fixed capital are described, which characterize direct investments in the reproduction of fixed assets of economic entities. The peculiarities of investing activities of agricultural enterprises and the main forms of its implementation are characterized. It is substantiated that investment activity is one of the types of economic activity, which represents an important form of realization of the economic interests of its participants, namely increasing competitiveness, stability and sustainability of functioning in the conditions of a changing environment of an agricultural enterprise.
It was established that investment activity to ensure the reproduction of the components of resource support of enterprises is oriented towards capital investments for the following purposes: timely updating of basic means of production, introduction of new or improved equipment, equipment, technologies, new high-quality varieties of plants and animal breeds, etc., which leads to significant positive changes in production activity. The main elements of the project documentation and the procedure for conducting their examination are described.
It is proved that investment activity on the reproduction of resource support is connected with the provision of positive reproductive dynamics in the processes of economic activity, which are achieved by the interaction of the complex of organizational and economic mechanisms, and the purposeful development of the agricultural enterprise and the economy of the industry as a whole.
Presented measures related to the processes of reproduction of resource supply of agricultural enterprises, provide long-term sustainable development, which involves achievement of high financial and economic results, social and ecological effect, while using the resources available at the disposal of the enterprise are highlighted. These aspects are closely linked to the formation of a reproductive policy of an agricultural enterprise on the principles of sustainable development.
Key words: investment, investment activity, enterprise, investment risk, resources, investments.
doi: 10.33245/2310-9262-2019-148-1-89-99
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