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Сurrent issues selection strategies of innovative development of agricultural enterprises

The agricultural sector of Ukraine on its background transforms the market economy and the economic decline of the national economy that requires innovation. The basis for the innovation development of enterprises is the development, introduction and implementation of new products, which may be embodied in a fundamentally new modern technologies of production, new products or improve existing ones, the introduction of new advanced management and organizational decisions concerning innovation at agricultural enterprises.

 Innovation must contain a whole coordinated system that would work effectively at the micro and macro levels of the development process of enterprise: at the micro level is the organization of the labor process, training all professionals in the company who will be involved in the innovation, development for them specialized training programs that help adapt to changes in multilateral innovation process. This process should involve the training organizations, including universities.

At the macro level is networking among innovation-active enterprises, construction or purchase of advanced new technologies, the introduction of resource-saving policies, the parks creation and others.

Increased innovation potential in the business of agriculture will help to achieve stability in industrial activity, responsiveness and adaptation to changes in the external environment.

The potential of the company is the ability of the entity to implement the most effectively one or more functional tasks with using all available resources. According to this innovative potential principle should be understood economic opportunities  for effective enterprise bringing new technologies into economic production. Depending on available innovation resources, the company has to choose which way of the strategy of innovative development of the company will be more better. Innovative resources include: informational, logistical, intellectual, financial, scientific, technological, spatial, human and organizational. The basis of the innovative potential of enterprises are human, financial and material-technical components, scientific-technical and intellectual property business. Development and combination of all innovative resources in the enterprise will help to improve the innovative capacity and manage effectively the entire process of innovation in the enterprise.

As the trend towards improving the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises in recent years is not observed, it would appropriate to apply to such a management tool as logistics of synergistic relationships.

Logistics is a scientific concept of controling flow processes occurring in the flow of material resources and their corresponding information arising to the end of optimal ratio usage of total logistics costs and customer satisfaction.

Synergy is a total economic impact, achieved by the interaction of two or more factors that ultimately give better results than each of them separately.

Nowadays to improve the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in  market economy requires innovative strategy that would not only help quickly adapt to change, but also make it possible to use the full potential of the company, while minimizing costs. The chosen strategy of innovative development is to realize a competitive advantage, provide long-term competitive position and long-term prosperity of the enterprise.

Key words: innovative potential, innovative resources, logistics, synergy, competitiveness of enterprises.

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