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The small farm classification by the size of land processed in Ukraine: institutional background
requires the special attention to rural areas development.
The main actors in the village are small farms, which, in the conditions of economic transformation, make a significant
contribution to the production of agricultural products, provide food security, and also perform an important village-forming
function, promote biodiversity conservation, and so on. So, in 2016 there were about 15 million households in Ukraine, the
total contribution of which to agricultural production was 43%. This requires the implementation of the classification and
analysis of small-scale farms in Ukraine, which became the goal of the study.
Due to this, the role of small farms in the context of sustainable development was defined. The classification by the size
of land processed was proposed based on the analysis of current legislation. The concentration and proportional ratio of small
farms in rural areas in the context of regions were studied. As a result, it was defined that the small agriculture farming
caused by the landscape, climatic, ecological and historical features.
The regulatory and legislative acts were used as the theoretical and methodological basis of the study as well as the study
on the conceptual foundations of sustainable development of small farms. In order to achieve the goal and to solve the problems, the following methods of scientific research were used: monographic, dialectic, system-analytical, abstract-logical,
graphics, grouping and etc.
Key words: sustainable development, forms of management, small-scale agriculture, concentration, level of technical
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