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Segment mobile electronic market commerce increases
The information economy is inextricably linked to the production, distribution and consumption of information objects. One of the hallmarks of the new economy - outpacing growth in transaction costs associated with the processing of information , is compared with the transformation costs for physical production of goods.
The ratio of the cost of production of goods and of the cost sale of goods varies. The modern technologies allow to reduce production costs. The share of production costs reduced in the retail price of the goods. Retail price of many goods several times higher than the cost of production. Costs associated with the promotion of goods to the final consumer determine the increase of the cost. Most of the cost is for informational purposes .
Today the life term of products is reduced. Obsolescence of things prevails over physical deterioration . Things that could still serve as a socially irrelevant ones are ejected.
Information trade technology helps a variety of options to personalize consumption. Information technology can help to reduce trade share costs of the sale of goods .
The market of E-commerce in Ukraine is developing dynamically. The market of E-commerce is increasing by 25-30 % annually. Today there are about 15000000 Internet users in Ukraine. 40 % of Internet users participate in electronic commerce transactions. This means that every second Internet user of Ukraine buys on the web. It is projected that the volume of e-commerce market will exceed $ 2 billion by the end of 2013.
Mobile devices are becoming more influential in the buying process. Their share in the digital commerce is growing. One out of every ten dollars of consumer e-commerce in the world is now produced using a smartphone or tablet device.
Mobile communication devices are becoming more complex. Device capabilities increase. Work with them becomes easier. Share of mobile devices is constantly increasing among other tools of digital commerce. The article examines trends in the development of mobile commerce. Web sites adapted to portable devices mobile commerce. In 2013, about 58% of U.S. Web sites and 62 % of the largest UK retailers optimized for mobile devices.
About 48% of U.S. websites and websites of the developed countries in Europe offer transaction system . In Ukraine an online transaction system is also developed and implemented. "Kyivstar" made the project "Mobile money" in June 2013 . "MTS-Ukraine" and " Life" also have plan to implement similar projects in early 2014.
Statistics research in Ukraine shows that only few of citizens use mobile devices to shop online. But most of the commercial projects already have mobile applications.
Advertisers are increasingly using mobile commerce. Advertising revenue for mobile devices in the world will reach $ 24.5 billion in 2016. Advertising revenues for mobile devices are creating new opportunities for application developers, ad networks, operators of mobile platforms, specialized agencies, and even suppliers of telecommunications services. Mobile advertising is changing with the development of mobile technologies. Advertisers are adapting their development to a variety of platforms for smartphones and other mobile devices.
The author has examined the increasing role of mobile e-commerce as a promising area of investment. Market participants are becoming more demanding to usability of the new trading instrument. Consumers are becoming more confident in making decisions in commercial transactions via their mobile devices.
Key words: Information Economy, website, e-commerce, m-commerce, market, Internet.
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