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Research methodology restructuring of agricultural enterprises
In this paper are considered methodical approaches to determining these to direction sand ways to study the nature and
content restructuring as a process management practices. Determined that the formation of a scientific research methodology
strategic restructuring agricultural enterprises based on the effect of economic laws of economic systems, their manifestation sin
the form of sustainable patterns of scientific principles, factor sand factors affecting its organization.
This set of objective economic laws determines the need to consider their actions because their content is objective. Patterns
as a manifestation of economic laws reflect stable causal relationship sand their compliance with a requirement in the
implementation of any production – economic activity. The main laws that determine the processes of restructuring agricultural
enterprises include: the complexity of development, the feasibility of a production, integration, concentration, specialization and
The implementation of the requirements of the economic laws and their manifestation in the form of stable laws require
certain rules of their application, which is based on scientific principles. In the study group are the two principles: general and
special character.
The first of them justify the economic feasibility of the implementation of restructuring processes in agricultural enterprises;
Second – determine the procedure and scope of the restructuring, including: incorporation, preserving the old in the
implementation of changes; the quality of enterprise management goals and objectives of the restructuring; transparency and
compliance information about upcoming structural changes; consideration of the effects of current restructuring and soon.
In scientific theory guiding principles advocate ideas (mentors) for the management, the implementation of restructuring
actions, but they are not holding their instruments. This function entrusted to the methods of implementing control tasks that
define specific methods lever age the nature of the content and direction of restructuring. Thus, the organizational methods used
in there structuring go funder takings AIC; institutional methods in content to achieve efficiency of the proposed the creation,
merger acquisition of agricultural enterprises; regulatory – legal methods allow for the rule of law and economic legislation in
agriculture production; economic methods find its realization in mass tax, credit, financial, environmental policy in reforming the
agricultural sector.
Effective restructuring agricultural enterprises cannot be productive without conducting together with its factors of
Agrosystem those or other territorial entities, such as geographical location, the quality of the potential of territorial entities in
agribusiness, manufacturing, financial, economic, cross-border factors and soon.
Comprehensive accounting requirements of the economic laws, laws of scientific principles and form factors allows research
methodology restructuring agricultural enterprises and mechanism so fits implementation weighed on scientific basis.
Keywords: laws, the laws, conditions, methods, factors, methodology, tools.
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