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The quality of labor staff as factor of effectiveness of development of the enterprise

The importance and necessity for quality category research “quality of the labor staff” (management, production), adequate assessment and continuous improvement can not be solved without the full range of tasks relating to software development and the enterprise development in the future.

Generalization of national and international experience has shown that when the quality of the labor staff should understand the specific definition, which determines the quality of the enterprise or the effectiveness of its economic activity, on the one hand, and characterizing the quality of the staff - on the other.

The main dependencies that reveal the quality of the work (effectiveness of activities) of the enterprise (system “information - resource – time”) are:

- feasibility;

- technology;

- efficiency;

- timeliness;

- timeliness;

- intensity;

- speed.

It was established the component quality composition of staff to be considered in the horizontal and quantitative aspects as:

1) theindividual worker quality of the organization (manager, worker);

2) the workquality ofthe organization (or the enterprise) that defines the overall status quality of theentity staff.

The coefficient “the quality of work management” is expedient to define as the weighted coefficientsaverage of the subordinate departments work quality. A manager is a worker of the market orientation, who is actively implementing the effective economic conditions, innovation and scientific and technological progress, carefully taking into account changes in the international relations, affecting the situation in a timely manner and the dynamics of supply and demand, skillfully reconstructing the production and economic activity to meet the requirements market.

The vertical division of labor leads to the creation of management levels (T. Parsons): technical; management; institutional. These levels correspond to three groups of managers (leaders):

1) leaders of grass-roots level (head of department, senior master, etc.);

2) middle managers (head of department, etc.);

3) senior management (Director and his deputies, and others.).

It was found that the main and decisive factor in the quality of staff (management, production) is the quality of its educational and professional potential.

The educational and professional potential of staff are accommodation (natural ability, talent), skills and knowledge (education), competence and practical skills (profession) that employees (the most important situational factor) gained in schools (based on the structure of education) or through self- education (theoretical aspect), and in the course of employment (experience) and that can be applied in the required socio-economic sphere, namely to ensure the formation and development of the company in the future.

Key words: workquality, workers, educational and professional potential, management, management staff, enterprise.

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