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Problems and potential of higher agricultural education institutions in the formation of market information and consulting services
In the article existing problems and possible potential and prospects of higher agricultural education institutions in the formation of market information and consulting services are researched.
Advisory activities have now become a separate direction in the agri-food industry in Ukraine, which has its own legal framework and extended structure. But modern agricultural production requires appropriate staff.
Implementation of Information and consulting services of the agricultural sector entrusted to agricultural extension services. The Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law "On Agricultural Advisory Services" in June, 2004, , which sets out the legal principles of agricultural extension services in Ukraine, regulates relations in the field and is aimed at improving the welfare of the rural population and rural development.
Universities of Agricultural Education (hereinafter agricultural universities) in Ukraine are not included in the range of subjects of agricultural extension services, which are outlined in the first article of the Law of Ukraine "On Agricultural Advisory Services", that is, in our opinion, they limited right to the possibility of advisory.
Ability of agricultural universities to be engaged indirectly in advisory services are provided only by employees of these institutions, which have the status of expert advisors and counselors entered in the Register.
Ukraine's current approach to extension services of the agricultural university does not allow them to participate effectively in the development of a network of agricultural extension services and accordingly leave them aside in this process as a passive observer.
International experience: activities of agricultural extension services in the structure of agricultural universities is one of key factors in improving the efficiency of advisory services and as a result increase the profitability of agricultural producers and sustainability of rural communities.
Analysis of regional systems of agricultural extension showed that most subjects that provide advisory and research services are implemented in government agencies and academic institutions, and those agricultural extension services that exist in the region, provide high quality consultative services using scientific potential and employee agricultural universities.
The disadvantages of the agricultural extension system that has developed in Ukraine today is fragmentation , isolation of its links, insufficient use of the potential of agricultural research and educational institutions, for work of which in the advisory direction there is a need to develop a modern organizational structure capable of ensuring the effective functioning of these structures on market advisory services and amending the Law of Ukraine regulating the activities of agricultural extension services.
Despite the problems in using the advisory obedience Education Consulting Services universities have a number of benefits and advantages that should be used for further development of extension.
Analyzing the marked advantages of university extension services we come to the conclusion that they are able to achieve the goal of raising issues of farmers competency faster and more effectively than the other forms and patterns of organization. Moreover, all the agricultural universities of Ukraine have departments preparing and training managers and specialists for the agricultural sector.
The main objectives and principles of the Agricultural Extension Service at the universities and research institutions are specified in the article:
- To provide practical assistance to agricultural producers and rural population in the development of methods for profitable management in a market economy;
- To improve knowledge and practical skills of agricultural producers and rural populations through active learning, demonstrations, provision of integrated information, etc.;
- To provide individual advice for agricultural workers and peasant farmers in marketing, management, use of modern technologies;
- To direct Agricultural Sciences to conduct applied research to meet the needs of agricultural producers and rural populations;
- To promote executive agencies and local governments in the state agricultural policy.
Key words: information consultative, advisory, advisory services of educational institutions.
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