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Planning of career growth of agricultural enterprises staff

The article examines aspects of career growth planning for employees of agricultural enterprises, taking into account factors of the external and internal environments of the agricultural industry functioning.
The specific conditions during the period of martial law in Ukraine are systematized, which determine additional requirements for employees of agricultural enterprises, the consideration of which is mandatory for career growth planning.
The purpose of the article is to generalize the scientific principles of career growth planning and develop a career management methodology for employees of agricultural enterprises.
The need for career growth planning by a specialist is proven in order to take logical actions regarding readiness to meet the growing requirements of a specific profession. Existing approaches to understanding the studied concept are summarized and the author’s definition of the concept is proposed.
The works of foreign researchers are studied and an algorithm for planning career growth for employees of agricultural enterprises is generalized, which will contribute to successful career formation.
The sequential stages of the career growth planning algorithm for employees of agricultural enterprises are disclosed in detail and the conditions that must be met by agricultural enterprises are outlined.
Approaches to developing an employee’s career path are highlighted and the parameters of the employee’s professional and personal qualities included in it are described.
The need to analyze the socio-psychological climate in the labor collective is emphasized and measures to improve it are summarized.
It is substantiated that the stage of monitoring the implementation of career growth plans for employees of agricultural enterprises is important, as it allows you to identify deviations and promptly develop measures to eliminate them.
It is concluded that the introduction of the practice of career growth planning for employees of the agricultural enterprises management will contribute to increasing the efficiency of labor resources and minimize the negative phenomena of staff turnover.
Key words: planning, career growth, employees of agricultural enterprises, employee’s career path, business qualities, personal qualities.


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