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Organizational aspects of personnel’s intangible motivation in the enterprises QMS
The presented research reveals the concept of intangible motivation of personnel. The definitional content of this category has been formed, the place, components, basic principles, approaches to implementation, as well as the psychological basis of motivation, have been determined.
The co-evolutionary mechanisms of the system of intangible motivation and implementation of the quality management system at the enterprise have been determined, an important attribute of which is the permanence and consistency of the use of general principles. The need to implement the principles of a quality management system is determined at all stages of personnel management, in particular: selection and assessment of personnel, adaptation and training, team building, development and attraction.
In the course of the study, it was confirmed that systematic training of employees on quality issues, tools and principles of the quality management system is an important element of improving and managing quality in organizations, because training and development has a significant impact on the quality provided by the organization on a regular basis through quality education and training activities, quality-oriented rewards and programs are essential to achieve quality management objectives. Quality management initiatives and programs require the support, input and cooperation of all workers and their effective involvement.
The main psychological motivational components of the enterprise personnel in the structure of the enterprise quality management system have been determined, namely: awareness, responsibility and competence. The importance of such tools of the quality management system as policy and goals in the context of the formation of a motivational strategy is emphasized.
Proposals have been formulated for the implementation of non-material motivation using the toolkit of general principles and approaches of the enterprise quality management system.
Key words: quality management system, process, business process, management, principle, intangible motivation, activator.
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