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Organizational and economic fundamentals of production sales and vegetables in Ukraine
The vegetable market is a one of the fundamental segments of the food market in the country. Its operation is caused by general market laws and horticultural industry specific peculiarities.
Reducing public procurement, gap existing economic ties disparity in prices, reducing the solvency of the population, the destruction of industrial and social infrastructure in rural areas exacerbated the problems of agricultural products marketing.
The area of stable and reliable relations reduced in the food chain between producers and consumers. Difficulties in implementation, lack of farms growing vegetables modern storage technologies result in the loss of vegetables, forcing them to reduce the area of crops, which narrows the scope of supply in the market, keeping prices high. In the Chuvash Republic, with significant vegetables production growth its consumption is not reached the recommended medical standards.
The author substantiates the need for systematic analysis of the factors affecting the formation and functioning of the vegetable market and highlighted the main ones.
The determining factor of the crisis was economic sector enterprises operating conditions. Because of the disparity of industrial and agricultural products prices the procurement of machinery, fuel, lubricants, fertilizers, containers, films, mass sewn plants and seeds stops.
The agricultural enterprises are main suppliers of vegetables at the market. the transition to a market system of marketing agricultural products happened, based on the free movement of goods, the abolition of restrictions when choosing business partners. The structure of the distribution of products through the implementation changed. The amount of vegetables sold through procurement organizations decreased, while an increase in sales for the market channels.
The main reason for the decline in sales of products to the state is a decrease of interest in supplying centralized commodity customers through non-fulfillment of contractual obligations. Decline in sales of agricultural products for public use is accompanied by a large number of market agents and sales channels. Farm products are sold to enterprises and organizations in the market, its employees, trade and agents. In the food chain producers and buyers do not have reliable and stable relations.
Demand satisfaction for fruits and vegetables should be provided not only by increasing the volume of production, but also due to their efficient use. Poor storage and transportation lead to loss of quality products and significant losses.
The author argues the opinion that the most important area of market reforms in agricultural markets is now the creation of market infrastructure. It is a complex of different areas, whose main task is to timely deliver products from manufacturers. Particularly large role has information ensure market participants.
The vegetables marketing system based on several key production and marketing structures is proposer in the article. They together are able to save them from unorganized intermediaries, affect the overall pricing policy to be initiators and participants in export of fruits and vegetables in regions that feel their lack.
Key words: vegetables market, marketing systems, economic efficiency.
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