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Optimization of the organization business processes management
The article deals with features of optimization of Economics enterprise business processes. Determined by the relevant business processes, carried out the analysis of the matrix powers, calculated load on the staff support and management of the organization business processes.
The problems of optimizing of the organization business processes management are:
- identify relevant business processes in the organization;
- allocate functions and responsibilities;
- calculate the load on the staff ;
- calculate the number of staff;
- Prepare recommendations for an effective management.
Matrix analysis of business processes is the construction of a matrix (table). Vertical columns indicate the main customer service or unit . Horizontal lines describe a list of tasks (functions) that are grouped by major function .
One of the major components of the matrix analysis is a method of distribution of rights and responsibilities. They define the characters. With the help of these symbols the authority to manage and impact on business processes are assigned. It is necessary to establish the level of responsibility , scope of authority and the type of relations between the officials or the services (departments , divisions) which carry out specific tasks and functions in the management process. Using the matrix analysis of the distribution of functions and rights between officials and the authorities can trace the path of decision-making in the implementation of specific tasks ( functions), and determine the stage of certain administrative actions. Appointment of administrative actions of special characters illustrates the degree of participation of each office or official in the preparation, adoption and implementation of specific solutions. On this basis it is possible to conduct a comparative analysis of different management services or use of each employee's account and determine the amount of his earnings in a particular workplace to perform specific tasks.
Through the analysis of the matrix we can diagnose workload of officials. Matrix promotes a clearer division of functions. Matrix method determines the ratio of the rights and responsibilities at the various stages of the decision-making process in a variety of industrial applications for administrative staff. The matrix makes the analysis of management actions , illustrates the stages of duty , shows the interaction in the dynamic process of the officials , departments and agencies , The columns reflect the extent of liability of officers and their competence in solving a particular problem.
The matrix should include several groups that work in two directions. The first group defines the scope of employment, industry norms . It is a recommendation. Each company decides to follow the depending on the availability of equity capital.
The second function has the purpose of controlling the work of a particular office or official . This function is internal and is determined by the structural units of the company, the appointment of staff , etc.
Matrix analysis of business processes between departments and employees is applicable at all levels of administration. The difference lies in the upper part of the matrix , it comprises a set of functions. These functions depend on the level of service, official recorded names and indicate the number and responsibilities.
This technique helps the management to make appropriate decisions in the practice of the workload management of each employee and review the duties specified in the job description , and determining his salary.
Matrix analysis reflects management activities as an integrated system. Use it to make a comparative analysis of the business processes of individual employees , officials, teams, departments, divisions. It is not only the performance of management of each business process, but also illustrates the relationship of the system. With this analysis, the matrix principle , we can trace the development of the functions at various levels of the structure , which is an expression of a systemic approach to the problem of diagnosis and management improvement .
Key words: business processes, optimization, management, effectiveness.
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