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Optimization model of innovative development of agricultural enterprises
The article proves the possibility of increasing crop yields and profitability through consolidation of farmland. The model of optimization on agricultural enterprises is proved the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative technologies in crop production.
The analysis of the crop production in agricultural enterprises shows, that companies which want to enter to the path of economic growth, should develop all spheres that are the basement of the effective production. The main attention is focused on the feasibility implementation of the latest developments in agricultural production. The problem of innovative development in agriculture and refocusing it to the natural and highly efficient production underlies the development of each enterprise.
The peculiarity of agricultural production is a high dependence on weather and climatic conditions, as a result, regardless of the strategy, technology and definite "limits" of management, the enterprise can increase or decrease the cost of production and yield of crops. Great potential for raising productivity may be the concentration of production.
The consolidation of the areas under crops is positive, because it increases the productivity. This factor is one of the ways of the increasing the economic efficiency of production in the enterprise. It should be mentioned that the optimization of acreage for the purpose of consolidation can be a basic for the strategy of innovative development. It is reasonable to determine the effect of profitability index on the productivity of agricultural production.
It is important for enterprises to establish the optimal use of available resources and combine them skillfully, which is possible through the using of economic and mathematical methods. Based on their use it's possible to develop a model of enterprises to improve their production by gaining maximum results from the productive-financial activity or to achieve goals while minimizing a resource or cost.
The development strategy of innovative development in agricultural enterprises should carry out through the development of economic and mathematical models, the preparation of economic-mathematical problem and its solution. Achieving the optimum size of crop and livestock sectors will be set according to all technical requirements which should be realized in the economic-mathematical model.
Nowadays every agricultural producer for using innovative technology in the crop sector, should develop a strategy for its development, which would provide the maximum net profit from production and financial performance and reduce the payback period. Economic-mathematical model is developed according to the natural and economic development of Cherkassy region.
The introduction of Mini-till in crop production, bringing the different sectors to the optimal size and combining them, will create a significant increase of the conditions in the production and increase its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. As per optimal plan, following the proposed structure of the production, the conditions for increasing the gross grain production will be created ,compared to the average level in the 2007 - 2011 biennium on 158,894 tons, or 35.4%, as compared to 2011 production levels, will decrease by 9.5% that due to the reduction in the area sown crops.
The proposed model of the innovative development for selected enterprise can be used for the progress of innovative development of other enterprises. In this case, the numerical limitations that characterize the current state of the business enterprise are added to the matrix. As a result, managers and specialists of the enterprises introducing innovations in the development of the crop production will be able to get the data to form the effective strategy of livestock innovative development and crop sectors. The integrated development of agricultural enterprises can help to optimize the production process and to ensure the best return for the use of innovative technologies for growing crops.
Key words: innovation, innovation development, productivity, profits, economic and mathematical model, efficiency, profit.
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