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The modern trends of water resource’s ecology-economic management
The main aspects of modern ecology-economic management by water resource on territory in Poltava region have been considered in the article. It has been defined the main problems of the using the economical mechanism of the natural using control. It has been considered state ecological policy of the Ukraine and acting programs in Poltava region in sphere of environment natural protection and rational use natural resource. The economic instruments of rational natural using have been offered.
Increasing the intensity of exploitation of natural resources, the economic crisis in the transitional period augments the risk of disasters, prevents both the state and private natural resources where the funds needed fully allocated to implement measures to reduce environmental impact, requires the development of optimal environmental economic strategy for further development of water management that enhances the ability of management and the level of environmental safety. The fact that the Earth's biosphere and ecosystems at various levels have the limited capacity to ensure its proper functioning and reproduction in undue influence of human activities has become evident in recent years.
Nowadays the economic mechanism of environmental regulation in Ukraine is based on the concept of payment for environmental management. Benefits of the economic mechanism of environmental management traced in the economic instruments which were processed by base pay environmental, and economic instruments and it is the only tool that allows the flow of financial resources to the necessary extent to eliminate the effects of environmental pollution.
The main objective in the management and regulation of water management is fully and timely meet the needs of all water users and consumers in high-quality water resources, taking into account compliance with environmental requirements, criteria, limitations and standards. In addition, the management activities of water management should be focused on radical ecological rehabilitation of rivers, lakes and other water bodies that are only Water resources of the state, as well as organizing activities for restoration and protection of surface waters.
Difficulty in regulating water relations is caused by specific natural waters as a component of the natural environment and productive resource for most industries. The provision of water resources affects the economic efficiency of individual regions and the state as a whole, since the availability and quality of water resources affect the location and operation of objects and cost characteristics of products.
The optimal solutions to existing problems is to implement government policy on development and reconstruction of water supply and sanitation, protection of drinking water sources; normative - legal support in the area of drinking water supply and sanitation, development and implementation of research and experimental development on the basis of new materials, technologies, equipment, instruments, professional training, monitoring and quality control in this area, informing the population about the quality of drinking water.
Today it is important for the formation and implementation the effective economic forces of environmental management, which include: taxes, fees, financial aid, loans to limit emissions, pay allowances, quotas, tolerances or limits the level of pollutant emissions, license, to create organizational economic conditions for innovative entrepreneurship in ecology, to waste management, development of environmental audits, development of environmental management and many other factors. Paid permits create incentives for polluters to reduce their emissions to a lower level the prescribed limits and to pay the difference between the real and emissions permits to other polluters.
Key words: ecological-economic situation, regulation, environmental policy, water resources.
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