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Modern agrarian crises and components of Ukrainian food industry sustainability
The main systemic flaws and problems that led to the destruction of the planning and administrative model of the economy and the transition to a market, and in the agricultural sector were accompanied by a transformational recession in the 1990s and the emergence of recurrent agrarian crises in the future. It is established that the consequences of the decline in agriculture correlate with the scale of production by the capacity of the food industry, but with a shifted time frame. It was confrmed that, frst of all, the agrarian crisis covers agricultural production, and it further affects other branches and sectors of the agri-food complex. The peculiarities of the manifestation of agrarian crises of 2008-2009, 2014-2015 and 2020-2021 are revealed and the inter-crisis periods concerning the causes and consequences of noticeable fluctuations with the production of food enterprises are analyzed. It is established that the achievement of the pre-crisis (1990) level of food, beverages and tobacco products occurred six years after the "bottom" of the transformational recession, and agricultural products - twenty years later. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a worldwide crisis and an agrarian crisis in Ukraine which resulted in signifcant weakening of resilience due to reduction in food production. In this regard, it was important to identify and assess the degree of key problems development the agricultural sector, on the progress of which in the face of increasing market turbulence and will depend on the sustainability of the food industry. The key components for preserving and strengthening the sustainability of the food industry for the current stage have been systematized, in particular, satisfying processing capacities in safe and high-quality food raw materials and carrying out innovative and technological modernization of food processing enterprises, completing national food security legislation of Ukraine on sanitary and phytosanitary measures for the protection of animals and plants to EU legislation. It is established that the implementation of HACCP in food industry is rather topical in the need for a comprehensive solution to a number of problems in the feed-food chain "from feld to table". It is grounded that the practical observance of hygiene, safety and quality requirements will ensure the safety of products of animal origin. It is revealed that market operators comply with the requirements of national regulations, which are harmonized with EU Directives, technical regulations, standards, guidelines of good practice, and implementation of basic principles, methodological approaches and regulations of the Community in the feld of domestic sanitation. phytosanitary measures, form a single regulatory feld of veterinary and phytosanitary requirements for feed market operators. As a result, a transition to a qualitatively higher level of requirements in the chain "from the feld to the table" will take place and ensure their continuity and increasing the level of compliance with safety and quality standards of livestock products. It is emphasized that the advancement of Ukraine's agricultural sector on the path of integration into the EU internal market is accompanied by the emergence of new differences and inconsistencies between domestic and European requirements, changes in the regulatory framework and their implementation in practice. This is an important prerequisite for providing processing facilities with safe and high-quality raw materials and the production of competitive products, which will contribute to increase the sustainability of the food industry.
Key words: agrarian crisis, market turbulence, development trends, stability of the food industry, regulatory framework for the production of livestock products.
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