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Methodological bases of marketing enterprises software for agricultural products processing

At the present stage of development the agricultural enterprise faces the need to switch to a management system based not only on the production and marketing of products, but also on comprehensive marketing concept of establishing long-term relationships with profitable customers and to ensure the competitiveness and efficiency.

The purpose of this thesis is to determine the scientific and methodological foundations of the processing enterprises of the agricultural sector and the reasons for their role in the development of effective mechanisms of marketing providing.

Methodology marketing providing can be defined as a set of methods, approaches, policies and principles of research, and of these elements contributes to the qualitative process knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of marketing providing in the area of processing plants for agricultural products. Research methodology also includes the formation of new approaches to the phenomenon in the study and systematization of existing views on the issue, in order to increase the efficiency of the object.

At present, it is necessary to focus on the full integration of marketing at the company. Marketing Service has set the coordinates for the operation of all units that combine the production, personnel, finance, accounting, sales, service and more. Marketing is one of the first to take place in the hierarchy of administrative guidelines to focus on the consumer.

Marketing providing – is integrating of the marketing function in the chain «market research – production (processing ) – distribution – sales», which is a collection of methods and measures to support enterprises in a competitive environment, and provide it with all necessary means to achieve the best marketing purposes including resources, new technologies, investments, staff support and information.

Marketing mix is the most popular method for implementing marketing in any company, a set of tools used to achieve its market goals. The main elements of the marketing mix are considered to be a set of «4 P» – product, price, promotion and sales.

Each element of the marketing mix requires careful attention and thorough approach to its support, developed with the goals of the company, internal and external factors that influence market conditions, company policies and its competitors. All components of the complex interact with each other and it is this interaction some of its elements are planned, developed and implemented by the marketing function. The effectiveness of the use of the marketing mix is a synergistic effect that can significantly contribute to an increase in profits of the company and its image, due to a combination of most successful marketing elements and reinforcing components.

As a significant part of the agricultural products used directly for consumption, sales should be considered in the context of the provision market. Unlike other market systems, it has its own characteristics: continuous operation, the seasonality of production and variety of food.

To realize the information needs of the enterprise to form a so-called «marketing information system». Its use will enable managers to make more effective management decisions.

Key words: methodology, methodological principles, marketing support, processing enterprises, activities of the company.


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