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Course of optimization of energy consumption is one of the directions in which power engineering specialists work.
There is a well known statement that expenses for energy efficiency rise are less than expenses for using new energy generating
capacity. Correct choice of energy source depending on its cost and use factor saves expenses for heating of industrial,
social and dwelling facilities.
Expenses for space heating in the structure of communal expenses are 50-70%. Issue of energy source choosing in the
presence of different heat-generating equipment in the consumer becomes urgent taking into account the fact that in recent
years due to objective reasons tariff for energy sources often changes.
Recently, the owners of industrial, social and dwelling facilities set several types of heating equipment that works on
different energy sources because of constant changes in tariffs and prices for energy sources. If this choice is usually limited
by gas and coal for industrial facilities then the choice is wider for social and small dwelling facilities. Thus, solid fuel boilers
working on wood, briquettes and pellets become widespread in Ukraine. In agriculture, there are examples of effective
use of biogas equipments. It should be noted that electric heating become competitive under current prices for gas, but only
in the condition of use two- and three-tariff plans. Therefore, there is a need for choosing energy source for heating based
on its cost at the moment taking into consideration the fact that prices for energy constantly and irregularly change.
Traditional methods of comparing efficiency of use energy sources based on regulatory coefficients of capital investments
efficiency under unstable prices and tariffs for energy are irrelevant. So, necessity of efficiency assessment for shortterm
period comes forefront, including already available (set) heating equipment that is without taking into account capital
The purpose of the paper was to create methods for determining cost equivalents of energy sources which give a more
accurate picture on efficiency of fuel usage, but in addition to that is available in use by practical workers and not even
Cost equivalent is expenses for purchasing and transporting of energy source that are identical to basic energy source
which is chosen at the wish of a researcher. Data in the table show equivalents of some types of fuel by such basic energy
source as gas, but we did not include the cost of its transporting and storing in view of the fact that they are different in each
single case that does not affect to proposed method.
Relative values of cost equivalents of energy sources are offered to apply for better demonstration of results interpretation.
In our view, this method makes the task of choosing a profitable energy source easier, especially if it implements
through a computer program taking into account the fact that the cost of energy sources often changes not long ago. In our
case it is realized in Microsoft Excel. But the system of automatic select of energy source based on tariffs, volumes of energy
consumption and time of day that can be implemented within the system "smart house" that actively spreads in developed
countries will give even greater effect. Solar or heat pump system of heat supply can be attached to this system. These
systems automatically switch various boilers to the most beneficial energy source in this case.
Keywords: energy holding capacity, energy sources, fuel, cost equivalent, use factor.
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