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Methods of evaluation of investment attractiveness of stock market instruments
The article is devoted to the actual problems associated with the methods of evaluation of investment attractiveness of the capital market instruments. Explore different models, tools and methods of investment appraisal, identified their advantages and disadvantage. Particular attention is paid to the investment climate in Ukraine and investment enterprises of the agricultural sector. Marked reasons for not allowing businesses in funktsionubt transformational economic systems adequately interest potential investors.
The Ukrainian stock market is in its infancy and has specific features that distinguish it from the developed markets.
The main negative factors that hinder its development can be attributed to low market transparency, insufficient liquidity of financial instruments available and the vast majority of high risk financial transactions. This state of the economic environment does not allow to apply the classical world of investment approaches to evaluation Ukrainian reality, therefore, needs to take account of the specific characteristics of the national financial market.
Analysis methods for evaluation of investment, which is used at present in foreign countries, can provide two approaches to the choice of the investee. In the analysis of indicators of the state of individual enterprise, can be used or the data of the industry in which the company operates, its financial performance, management effectiveness and others to assess the condition of the company or the stock market, stock prices of its securities.
The first area school supporters are fundamental analysis, which put the main task of a thorough study of the balance sheets and other financial documents published by the company. In addition, the study data on the state of the industry, the state of the markets in which the business comes with its products, the state asset sales, the tactic management, the Board of Directors. Assessing the situation so the firm, analysts assess the Corporation as of the investee.
The second trend - technical analysis based on market rates of securities, including indicators of demand and supply of securities, studying the dynamics of the market value, trends zahalnorynkovyh movement rate securities. Within the graphical analysis of the dynamics of exchange rate securities held graph depending rates securities from time to time, and the schedules for both specific type of securities (issuer) and for type (eg shares). Supporters technical school based on the fact that stock prices already reflect all the information that only later published reports of companies and become the object of fundamental analysis. The focus of technical analysis is to analyze the demand and supply of securities based on the volume of transactions of sale and dynamics courses.
Comprehensive fundamental analysis is conducted on two levels: external and internal. Methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of regions and partially used in fundamental analysis to study the environment in which operates the object, the state of the market and economic situation in general. The study of market conditions, including its individual segments reveals the factors that influence the overall situation and its acceptability to potential investors. Analysis and forecasting of industries makes it possible to determine which of them placing funds will be more favorable in terms of selected investment goals and priorities.
In the second phase of fundamental analysis are discussed in detail is the company whose debt or equity instruments are traded on the stock market. This allows you to identify prospects for investors of any securities, and therefore decide on the investment attractiveness of the object.
In the search for funding sources many agricultural holdings have entered the international markets and held IPO. The biggest issue today made "MHP", which was rescued by 22.32% of its shares of 371 million. Dollars. (Total capitalization - 1.662 billion. Dollars.). Having sold 20% of its shares, "Vanguard" attracted 188 million. Dollars. (Total capitalization - 938 million.) "Kernel" in exchange for 33% of the shares received 218 million. Dollars. (100% - 661 mln.). Among these are not big deals - 22% "Milkiland", estimated at 98 million. Dollars. (100% - 438 mln. USD.) 26% "Agroton" - 54 million. (100% - 207 mln. USD.) And 20% of the company "Astarte" - 30 million. (100% - 158 mln. USD.).
By itself, the securitization of assets - is, in fact, the reorganization of the ownership of property complex forms of ownership through stock market instruments, ie securities (which are traded on the market). Today as security or collateral possession tool provides the most transparent way of organizing the investment process.
Keywords: securities, equities, investment valuation, stock market, sources of financing, agricultural enterprises, issue of shares, stock exchange.
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