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Methodological aspects of animal husbandry territorial development at agricultural enterprises and farms
The sufficient quality livestock production is of strategic importance in the manufacturers of these products and the relevant authorities and their leaders at the regional and national levels are responsible for it. Livestock development requires more attention from the processing plants, the effective use of financial resources and capital assets depends on the quality of their products. It is important to point out the methodological approaches to the livestock development at farms and households.
The main methodological principles of territorial development of the livestock are highlighted:
- zonal division of the region;
- ensuring effective development of livestock;
- formation of good forage base;
- competitive products establishment;
- orientation of animal products to meet society needs;
- consideration of livestock development in urbanization terms;
- supply to refineries products of animal origin;
- improving the quality of animal products;
- ways marketing optimization of the of livestock products.
The usage of mentioned above principles will improve the industry economic performance and increase production volumes, profitability and competitiveness of livestock products.
The main study method of spatial development trends, including: observation, synthesis, comparison, systematization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, monographic, analogy, logic and graphics and presents characteristics and applicability of each is defined and analyzed in the article.
The spatial development study at livestock farms and households suggests using the number of principles, the main of which is highlighted in this paper:
- complexity is embracing the study of this problem;
- continuity is a constant and continuous livestock development;
- development and historicism explore the known methods and approaches to research, the isolation and introduction of new ones;
- flexibility makes the individual components adjustment of the livestock development to external and internal factors ;
- sequence analysis livestock occurs in sequence and in several stages ;
- multiple provides timely multiple outcomes prediction of livestock development;
- the final goal determines the direction of livestock development to achieve these aims.
In regional livestock development analysis can be observed positive and negative effects on it caused by external factors. The factors are distinguished as follows:
- technology impacts use of technology (machinery and equipment) in the animal husbandry development;
- environmental impacts the environment, its level of contamination, feed quality and resource base;
- social and economic influence household income, inflation, employment and financial security;
- legal impacts state support, development and implementation of legal acts that could increase the regional livestock development effectiveness.
The influence of external factors, which in turns have a positive and negative impact on the industry defined scientific and methodological principles of animal husbandry in agricultural enterprises and farms of different spatial locations, highlighted the content and substance reasonably basic territorial development principles of the livestock research. Practical livestock development implementation will help in the future to improve the economic stability of the industry and increase the livestock output of products that have a positive impact on the region economy.
Key words: animal, method, methodology, principle factor.
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