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Mechanism of economic activities management of the agricultural enterprises
This article deals with the analysis of the existing theoretical and methodical approaches, regarding essence and content of the categories related to the category “mechanism of economic activities management of the agricultural enterprises”. The necessity of the complex approach to the mentioned mechanism was proved.
Transformation processes in the agrarian sector of economy, first of all, had an impact on the management of economic activities of the agricultural enterprises, determining the necessity of scientific understanding and theoretical justification of these processes, definition of the ways of adaptation of economic mechanism to modern conditions, formatting a new, more effective mechanism of management of the economic activities of the agricultural enterprises, developing the ways of their practical implementation in modern economic and legal conditions. Due to the problems finding of the updated theoretical and methodological tools, their application on the basis adequate to the real economy becomes urgent. The analysis of modern approaches to the understanding the terms of “economic system”, “mechanism” and “economic mechanism”, takes into account modern requirements and complex aspect that need some clarification.
The reasons of non-effective management of the agricultural enterprise in modern competitive conditions are insufficient understanding of the essence of economic mechanism of the management activity as the result in the improper fulfillment of both main and the specific management functions (planning, arrangement, coordination, regulation, monitoring of enterprise development, institutional capability, rationing, information and communication support, etc.), as well as in the improper use of management methods.
Scientific works of such scientists-economists as V. G. Andriichuk, I. O. Blank, Zh. M. Balabanuk, V. O. Vasylenko, V. M. Geets, A. G. Mazur, S. V. Mochernyy, N. R. Nyzhnyk, O. O. Orlova, N. V. Polishchuk, O. V. Skydan and others are devoted to the study of the mentioned problems. Study and analysis the management mechanism categories take a significant place in the management scientific literature. However, despite the significant amount of scientific works which dedicated to specified problems, the questions according to the justification of the formation concept of the effective economic management mechanism at the agro-industrial complexes remain insufficiently opened. In the context of modern economic and management paradigm the methodical approaches to the improvement of the mechanism of the management of economic activities of the agricultural enterprises and the ways development of their practical implementation in modern economic and legal conditions need some clarifications.
Theoretical and methodological basis for study were the foreign scientific works of foreign and native scientists about questions related to the categories of “economic system”, “mechanism”, “economic mechanism”. During the study such scientific methods as dialectical, abstract and logical, graphics, generalization and comparison, method of structural analysis were used. Clear understanding and consideration of the all components of the economic mechanism promote monitoring of the main trends of the development of the agricultural enterprises in order to improve the accuracy of the forecast of this development and the definition of factors influencing the specified development, promote the quality improvement of comparative analysis. So now it is very important to find the effective methodological tools of assessment of the agricultural enterprises economic activities with the creation and use of adequate mechanisms of the effective management. Such tools should facilitate the establishment of the appropriate relationship between the management mechanism and the functions, characterizing the key elements of the system, which is the agricultural enterprise. It will also promote reducing of the information asymmetry, the expansion of the transparency of the information, improvement of organizational and methodical as well as information and analytical support of enterprises economic activities, will serve as a specific information platform for acceptance of the administrative measures on the improvement of its activity.
The complex approach to the functioning of the agricultural enterprise assumes it to be considered as a complex phenomenon in close interrelation of the management mechanism units in the sphere of products production, sales and consumption. Such approach will increase the efficiency of agricultural enterprises functioning. Mechanism implements the management decisions by performing certain functions through management processes within the management types on certain technologies due to the available resources. Management results take into account the external environment as a part of this mechanism. Performance features of this mechanism at the enterprises we consider as a set of goals, objectives, functions, principles which are interconnected. In their turn, technologies, management processes, management decisions are subjects to management principles and related to management type, resources, and management results influencing the factors.
The management mechanism of the economic activities of the agricultural enterprises is a complex concept. Understanding its essence will promote development of interrelated management decisions, each of them will be the contribution to the overall performance of the enterprise activity. The specified thing requires further improvement of theoretical and practical bases for the management tools of the economic activities of the agricultural enterprises. From the perspective of the complex approach it will allow to further improvement of the management mechanism of the economic activities and to direct it to development of the agricultural enterprises as a complex, dynamic, managed social and economic systems for the purpose of their effective functioning.
Key words: management, mechanism, management mechanism, complex approach, mechanism constituents.
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