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On the issue of stimulating innovation of higher agricultural education institutions
Results of the study indicate that in many countries that have chosen an innovative path of development, development of special funds of state financial support for small innovative businesses, in t. Ch. organized on the basis of educational institutions. In particular, the US government actively supports the creation of funds financed forwarded the initial periods of small innovative enterprises. The US government encourages the establishment of research centers and venture capital funds, and, most effective of which the first five years may be fully or partially financed from the federal budget. In the United States there are such state structures. Targeted budget financing is in the form: irrevocable subsidies, contracts for the development of new products and technologies and the provision of soft loans.
In addition, in the present circumstances there is a low innovation performance of students and young scientists, through lack of knowledge and experience in the organization and management of business innovation projects in high technology and high risks of these projects. It requires improvement of organization of educational process in ahrouniversytetah, toward the formation of practical skills commercialization of knowledge and technologies for the possibility of further independent work of producing and selling innovative products in the market. Thus, the lack of practical orientation training in universities, isolation knowledge of their actual use in practice is one of the urgent problems of national agricultural high school. It is not the only solution but it sets the direction you are restructuring, in fact, the very model of higher education.
As the results of our survey conducted in 2014 (up survey involved 1,520 students and postgraduate agricultural education institutions) - 61% of respondents would like to open a business. However, 76% of respondents from among those wishing to open a business, noted the lack of sufficient knowledge and skills in this area. Thus, as a result of a survey revealed that students and graduate students have the necessary knowledge and experience in the following areas: legal regulation of innovative activity and state registration of the enterprise; criteria entities (small and medium); organization on the basis of high school; business taxation incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship; protection of intellectual property; national and regional programs to stimulate innovation; features of financing innovation; business planning; specific innovative business organization; management of innovation projects and others. The above requires organization in Agricultural Universities profile practice-oriented teaching innovation business, as in the present circumstances the process of entering the market in most happening spontaneously. Practice-oriented approach to the educational process in universities can be based on the following principles: the use of the method in teaching projects; students acquiring practical knowledge and skills; organization of training in the real world of agribusiness.
In order to form a business environment to create conditions in agrouniversitiesin which researchers will be able to develop innovative projects based on infrastructure support, jobs, professional advice, communication opportunities with the business community. In terms of the university is to create a unified educational research and innovation space which include department, research laboratories and small innovative enterprises established with participation of scientists departments and graduate students and doctoral students.
Keywords: practice-oriented model, agricultural education, technology park, modernization.
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