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Investment priorities for agricultural development sector of economy of Ukraine in the conditions of military events
The burden of military events are now all subjects of economic activities and population of Ukraine. Especially these events negatively affected the investment activities that led to the deterioration of the socio-economic status of the population and the slowdown in the economy and the level of all types of national security. In this situation it is essential to lessen or completely eliminate the negative impact of military events on investments. This particularly applies to the agricultural sector, investment sources, development of which in the conditions of military events has decreased dramatically. Acute shortage of investment resources is forcing producers to use on their most important priorities. Therefore, the task of determining priorities of investment development of agrarian sector of economy in the conditions of war is of vital national importance.
In conditions of social instability and military developments have increased the importance of providing the population with food and boost the export potential. Agrarian sector of the economy while providing a stable income currency for its chronic shortage of great importance in order to contain inflation and satisfaction defense needs. Therefore, for the state it is now vital to maintain the positive dynamics of incomes of agricultural producers and their payments to the budget that can only be achieved if the investment growth.
The priorities of investment development of agriculture in modern conditions are expedient to provide by applying all possible levers of economic regulation and relatively cheap implementation of organizational-economic, financial and other activities, in particular those that allow you to eliminate corruption, racketeering and other influences of the shadow structures, guaranteeing the rights of investors and the possibility of return of borrowed funds.
Since Ukraine has not yet achieved food security for certain types of products, in terms of military events should refuse to import scarce goods, and through organizational and other activities to attract to create her own production. Limited budget means that it is necessary to stimulate investment in the production of scarce goods.
With the current military events it must be expected that large agribusiness will maintain relative constancy of their activities, as growth in world demand for food is outstripping its supply. Therefore, most military events adversely affecting the investment activity of small agribusinesses. His priority development will best contribute to activities: increase in meat production of pigs, cattle, sheep, poultry, rabbits and milk in a personal and individual farms and other small farms.
The development of agrarian sector of economy is possible only on the basis of investment. In war, this sector plays the role of stabilizer of the economy and an essential factor for the survival of the population and prejudice hunger. It is necessary to suspend the investment downturn in the sector, which began with 2014.
Along with the military measures should provide effective measures for activization of investment activity in the agricultural sector, which will increase the food security of the state.
In the implementation of the investment policy in the agrarian sector in the conditions of war should provide support for investment projects in priority areas to provide the advantage of relatively less capital intensive, ongoing small agribusiness, cooperative groups, and also with attraction of foreign capital.
Keywords: agrarian sector of economy, investment, investment in terms of military events, investment priorities, sources of financing, attraction of investments.
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