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International experience in stimulation of green initiatives in agriculture and directions of its implementation in the national practice
International experience of stimulation of green initiatives in agriculture is summarized in this article, directions of its implementation in national practice are determined. The article proves that insufficient development of green initiatives in agriculture is a result of effect of limiting barriers having economic and economic nature, and low level of development of incentive tools to stimulate agricultural producers. The arguments are given to understand the importance of foreign practice of incentives for agrarian producers to introduce green initiatives in agricultural industry, and to determine directions of its implementation in Ukrainian practice.
The article demonstrates that green initiatives in agriculture at the level of commercial entity are possible only in case of targeted, joint and coordinated activities of the state, society, united territorial communities (UTC) and agricultural enterprises. It is proposed to examine green initiatives in agriculture as a systemic process of organization of nature protection activities of the enterprise basing on coordinated actions of agrarian producers, the structures of state power and administration, UTC, connected with use of the complex of tools and measures to stimulate environmentally safe activities.
It is summarized that legal acts and regulations governing nature protection activities in EU states include the following incentive tools to stimulate green initiatives: regulatory, informative and economic tools. Economic tools to motivate the enterprises to adopt environmentally friendly activities are determined: they include ecologic taxes, ecologic quotas, ecologic funds, subsidies and taxbenefits, deposit refund systems, etc.
The components of information support of manufacturers are described: they include information about applicable laws and regulations for nature protection, statistic data, researches, reviews and analytical reports, strategic programs developed, information about the options of financing, environmentally-friendly solutions for enterprises. The reasons are given to support creation of information system to stimulate green initiatives implemented in agrarian activities in national practice.
Keywords: green initiative, incentive tools, agricultural industry, ecologic fees, ecologic taxes.
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