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It has been proved that agrarian market infrastructure in Ukraine has been in the process of its settling for a long time, it hardly 
perforsms its functions on creating stable conditions for providing agriculture producers with resources and the products sale.  
A fundamental change  in approaches to the development of agricultural market infrastructure that should be subject to simultaneous 
development of its components: marketing, finance and credit, information consulting, logistics, organizational is required to solve these 
problems has been grounded in the paper. State agricultural policy should contribute to addressing these challenges and aim at agricultural 
products wholesale markets and logistical support formation; forming the legal framework for introduction of futures trading and upgrading 
grain warehouse; ensuring the development of a network of agri-trading houses in the form of marketing cooperatives. 
Keywords: infrastructure, stock exchang, wholesale markets, elevators, logistics, information and counseling centers. 

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6.  Starikov  O.  Ju.  Riven'  rozvytku  infrastruktury  agrarnogo  rynku  jak  chynnyk  formuvannja  agroholdyngiv/O.  Ju.  Starikov  // 
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