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The influence of the concept of sustainable development on strategic choice of agricultural enterprises
Sustainable development as a process of change in which the exploitation of natural resources, the orientation of the scientific and technological development, investment in development of the individual and institutional changes have been coordinated with each other and strengthen the current and future potential to meet the needs and a man aspirations.
Sustainable development is classically defined as the parity of three factors: social, economic and environmental. These factors need to be considered as such that are switched on each other. Depending on the order of their inclusion, there are different approaches to the formulation of the concept of sustainable development.
The approach that focused on the environment provides the priority over the economy, which is reflected in the needs to preserve the ecological sphere in the process of the society socio-economic development and the absence of possibility of interchange of natural and economic resources, which form the social welfare.
The economic approach to the concept of sustainability insists on the ability to solve problems of sustainable development through science and technology. The task is to find the best technology for the creation of the ecologically acceptable products, minimization, recycling and disposal of waste, to meet specific market needs.
Social approach is considered by the social sphere as the environment in a social construction, and the economy - social activities. The social structure of environment correlates with the activities when a man begins to understand combined value and to create bodies and instruments of environmental conservation and management.
The Concept is based on the integral system of the interrelated strategic goals, arising from the need to ensure the development of Ukrainian state and society, both in the short and in the long terms. Such goals include: the health of the nation and population, the healthy environment and nature conservation, education and information, economic prosperity, steel local communities and sustainable development of settlements, responsible governance, and international responsibility. This should be the basis for a strategic choice of agricultural enterprises.
It should be born in our minds that the main factors that affect the strategic choice are natural, climatic and market. Natural-climatic conditions determine the zonal specialization of the agricultural production is the basis for the formation of the scientific farming system that meets the Concept requirements of sustainable development.
For the effective Concept implementation of sustainable development and reorientation of the strategic choice at the agricultural enterprises need to develop a targeted policy, which will include state, regional and local levels of management.
In modern socio-economic conditions of Ukraine implementation of sustainable development concept in the activities of agricultural enterprises is a necessary condition for further stable development. This is especially relevant in connection with the expected signing of the Association agreement with the EU, as in European countries the concept is, in fact, the dominant.
This will improve the conditions of the goods realization, which are exported from Ukraine to increase their competitiveness and rational use of natural resources, improve soil fertility, increase the population employment level, and also to raise manufacturing profitability and products quality.
To ensure the strategic choice of the agricultural products producers subject to the provisions of the Concept of sustainable development requires direct state intervention. It should develop a targeted policy, which would include a motivation mechanism of agricultural enterprises engaged in its activity the main concept principles and implementation of special monitoring.
Key words: sustainable development, approaches, problems, threats, strategy, factors, management levels interests.
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