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The improvement of financial and economic control in agricultural formation

This paper shows the relevance and importance of the financial and economic control in agricultural undertakings analyzed 
pre-reform  and  its  current status.  It  should  be  noted  that  the  agrarian reform  overwhelming  majority  of  farms  organizational 
change, thus acquiring privately owned and therefore currently in agrarian formations public control is impractical. 
Of  high quality control in the form of agricultural units, according to the author, is the involvement of the  internal audit 
introduction  parties.  The  successful  audit  of  the  system  now  established  in  a  separate  management  service  that  would  be 
subordinated  solely  of  the  undertaking.  However,  the  manager,  in  a  competitive  environment,  as  an  auditor  must  be  a 
professional, who can be fully trusted. 
The basis of the financial-economic control is to create a highly-organized information environment. 
Keywords:  financial  and  economic  control;  internal  control;  control  authorities;  control,  forensic  accounting  expertise, 
examination, inventory, audit, audit committee. 

1.  Dikan L.V. 'Finansovo-gospodars'kyj kontrol' / L.V. Dikan'. - K. : Znannja, 2010. — 395 s. 
2.  Zakon  Ukrai'ny  «Pro  buhgalters'kyj  oblik  ta  finansovu  zvitnist'  v  Ukrai'ni»  [Elektronnyj  resurs]  –  Rezhym  dostupu.: show/ 996-14 
3.  Petruk  O.M.  Modernizacija  systemy  gospodars'kogo  kontrolju  v  Ukrai'ni.    [Elektronnyj  resurs]  –  Rezhym  dostupu.: 
4.  Polozhenja  pro  inventaryzaciju  aktyviv  ta  zobov’jazan'.  [Elektronnyj  resurs]  –  Rezhym  dostupu.: 
5.  Jaremko S.Ja. Naukovyj zhurnal "Komp’juterno-integrovani tehnologii': osvita, nauka, vyrobnyctvo / S.Ja. Jaremko, O.I. 
Nikolajeva, V.V. Vojtko. – Luc'k, 2013. – Vyp. № 12. – S. 81–85. 

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