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The importance role and place of online resources in widespread agroinnovation
It has been proven that agricultural micro and small agricultural enterprises are limited in access to the best modern agricultural practices due to the presence of both objective and subjective factors.
The online resource center "Best practices of farmer-farmer practices" aims to provide agricultural MMAE with practical knowledge and demonstration base of modern agricultural technologies in Ukraine and the world, which can be implemented in the fruit and vegetable sector, livestock, aquaculture, poultry (except chickens). confectionery and craft products. Such a resource should become a communication platform, first of all, between those who implement modern approaches and technologies and their potential followers.
Given that the key beneficiaries of the resource center are business entities, the idea of transforming the center into a business entity that provides services to both such entities and authorities, local governments for the successful implementation of agricultural policy is obviously development of rural entrepreneurship.
Thus, the resource center "Best practices of farmer-farmer" will help to solve the problems and challenges not only of producers, distributors and implementers of agricultural innovations, best agricultural practices, but also the executive and local governments.
The services provided through the online platform "Best Agricultural Practices for MMAE " will be able to disseminate innovative technologies that have practical application among small and medium-sized businesses in the field of agribusiness.
Using the online platform as a communicator, it is planned to ensure constant and effective communication between agricultural producers, scientists, educators and advisors.
Creating an information resource on a sectoral basis will allow to concentrate in one place information about the best modern agricultural practices and provide access to them for end users - agricultural producers, using existing channels of information dissemination in the system of agricultural advisory.
Key words: innovation, agricultural enterprise, online platform, advisory, agricultural practice.
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