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Implementation of strategic objectives agro-food system on the innovation basis
The process of transformation of the national economy requires new approaches to the development of agrosphere model of the national economy.
The aim is to determine the directions of the strategic objectives of the production sector agro-food system; justification of the priority model of innovative development of the agricultural sector in reforming the system of national economic complex.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the dialectical knowledgemethod and systematic approach to the study of innovation processes, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and economists.
Agro-food system is seen as the major component of the foodprocess security, which combines the production and processing of agro-food products and food market. Determined that the creation of favorable conditions for the internal functioning of the national agro-food system will facilitate the achievement of competitive advantage and the output of domestic producers to the new markets.
The paper proved that the innovative development of agro-food system is implemented through measures of organizational and economic nature, carried out in order to improve the efficiency of economic complex and aimed at implementation of innovative processes and accelerate technological development through the development, implementation and the use of scientific developments in agricultural products, promoting it on the market, sell and logistical support extended cycle progressive playback.
The authors investigated the problem of innovation activities in the agriculture of Ukraine.
The directions of innovative development of the production sector agro-food system, which include: information technology manufacturing process and its attendant system; cooperation of producers with research organizations and the introduction of new developments in the industry; the effective governancesystem; improve the quality characteristics of human resources; creating an effective system of logistics enterprises; deepening of vertical and horizontal integration of production, processing and sales.
It is noted that the effective development of agro-food system based on the combination of innovative organizational and economic factors of technical and technological.
Proved that the acceleration of agroindustrial integration in the agrо-food system development will enable streamlined organizational and technological links between enterprises manufacturing and processing sector, create equal conditions for the return of economic structures integrated production, create real opportunities complex use of raw material and technical means.
To implement the strategic priorities of innovation development of Ukraineagriculture in the national economic complex and innovative processes activation we need: establishing clear economic functioningmechanism of scientific and technical products; scienceeconomic support from the country, the development ofinformationnetwork and consulting services, advertising and promotion, scientific achievements in the production, development of promising markets, the rational use of financial and material resources, environmental security, application biologization production, deepening territorial specialization and the landconcentration improving the competitiveness of the domestic and foreign market.
Prospects for further research effective functioning of APS in terms of globalization should be directed to the innovation developmentlevel, the use of new forms of production, introduction of innovative technologies; attract highly qualified specialists, system development investment support innovative development, market expansion and strengthening agro-industrial integration.
Key words: agro-food system, strategic objectives, innovative development model.
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