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Foreign experience of business and directions poultry adapt it in domestic practice

For further development of the domestic poultry industry, and long-term strategy for the development of commercial poultry 
Ukrainian companies should take into account experience of leading poultry business world. 
Global trends indicate increasing poultry production volumes of poultry. the world's largest producer of poultry meat is the 
United States. In this country poultry is represented by three sectors: production of eggs, chickens and turkeys. 
The level of domestic practice of international experience of leading countries remains low, one might even say that the 
question of its use in Ukraine not fully understood. This is due to several factors and, above all, differences in socio-economic 
environment in Ukraine and the West. Most of them agriculture ceased to be the main and the only source of livelihood for the 
majority of the population and determine its way of life, different from the city. 
The experience gained in the US poultry development represents a practical interest for Ukraine. It is characterized by a 
highly vertical integration, which is, for a number of estimates, the most perfect form of organization. 
The advantage of integrated production is that all stages of production concentrated in the hands of the integrated company 
easier to settle the sanitary control and prevent outbreaks of disease, and to monitor production quality. 
Along with the formation of joint ventures with the trends poultry production worldwide include reducing the number of 
small firms, their integration and strengthening the position of leading companies. An example, joining "Lohmann Indian River" 
(Germany)  to  the  group  "Ros  Briderz"  (England).  Combining  two  broiler  companies  with  highly  specialized  research 
departments ensure their leading position. 
From a practical point of view interesting experience of European countries where developing contracting for the sale of 
products, unlike industrial contracts in the US. The functions of the firms integrators include: material support of all levels of 
agriculture formation, financing, monitoring farmers working under contract as well. 
In recent decades, there is a  significant experience in the poultry business organization of individual developing countries 
and countries with economies in transition. Noteworthy experience of government programs promoting market reforms in Brazil 
and Argentina. 
Thus,  modern  poultry  enterprises  in  Ukraine  and  abroad  are  characterized  by  complex  production  with  a  complete 
technological  cycle.  Integrated  production  process  consists  of  agricultural  and  industrial  production,  including  processing  of 
meat.  Agricultural  production  involves  a  process  of  growing  fodder  for  feeding  birds.  Modern  options  poultry  production 
achieved  through  the  development  of  resource-saving  technologies,  science-based  system  of  feeding  birds,  fuller  use  of  the 
genetic potential of crosses and breeds poultry rational organization of labor and production, development and implementation of 
modern  information  technology,  accumulation,  processing  and  use  of  data  tribal  accounted  for  using  the  modern  computer 
technology, financial interest and property owners of poultry in the rational use of the production capacity of the industry and 
improve the quality of products. 
Keywords: poultry, poultry business, efficiency poultry industry, global experience in production of poultry products. 

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