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Food security in Ukraine: status and prospects

Examined the current state of food security in Ukraine by assessing key indicators that characterize it. Indexes of food consumption country's population. Include the effect of resource support and ability to pay for the food situation in the country. Overall assessment of consumption of basic food products indicates the absence of guarantee food security. The diet of the population does not meet the requirements due to the replacement of relatively expensive animal products (milk and meat) with cheaper vegetable products (bread, potatoes). Of particular concern is the low level of meat consumption - 64% of rational norms. The level of consumption of milk and meat consumption below the minimum standards. It is proved that the problem of access to food for different segments of the population associated with effective demand, depending on their income. Analyzed the differentiation of the cost of food for a group. The estimation of the domestic market capacity of individual food products in the context of ensuring food security. The main challenges to food security. Pointed to promising directions and measures to ensure it.

Key words: food security, consumption, food sufficiency, availability.

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