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Features reproduction of dairy cattle in agricultural enterprises
It is proved here that the reproduction of the herd of cattle is one of the most time-consuming processes in dairy cattle, as this process depends on the milk yield of cows, the efficiency of breeding efforts, the duration and intensity of the use of genetically valuable cows, the quality of products and profitability of its production in the article.
It is grounded that the efficiency of dairy cattle largely depends on the intensity of reproduction, which significantly affects both the production of milk and the rate of genetic progress in breeding grounds. Low reproductive ability of cows is one of the problems in modern dairy cattle breeding. That is why the study of reproduction in dairy herds and increase economic efficiency in the current economic conditions are relevant and necessary conditions for increasing the volume of livestock production.
It is known that for the implementation of the genetically determined level of milk productivity of cattle is necessary to maintain a high level of reproduction, to ensure timely fruitful insemination of cows and heifers and annual receipt from them viable offspring. Breeding work in the farms, allows complete dairy farms and complexes animals with genetically given high milk yield. However, it can be ensured only if the corresponding full feeding, compliance physiologically based technology livestock and only clinically healthy animals. With modern intensive industrial technologies of milk production in the body highly productive animals is changing many physiological processes, reduced milk yield, impaired reproductive function. Therefore intensively managed dairy cattle requires realignment of the existing organization of reproduction.
We note that one of the important indicators rationally organized reproduction is maintaining its optimal structure. The majority of domestic enterprises has a complete turnover of on-farm specialization of production, therefore, are very important for them to support or create a herd with an optimal structure. Farms dairy productivity in the herd must be at least 60% of cows.
It is proved that the main reasons that hinder the pace of the cattle reproduction, should be considered as infertility of breeding stock. For these reasons, many households receive a significant number of young animals and products with a loss on the content of infertile animals. Loss in the reproduction of livestock in the number of farms remain high - annually receive litter from 30-40% of breeding stock.
Note that for the effective management of dairy cattle it is quite important to determine the principles of culling cows. To improve the herd is culling low productive animals or discarded cows regardless of their economically useful traits due to various diseases and functional disorders in the body. Obviously, that should be culled cows due to low productivity, age and unfitness to machine milking.
In our opinion, this position is responsible mainly three groups of factors with varying degrees reduce the efficiency of production and reproduction process. The greatest impact on premature retirement cows from the herd causes of social and technological nature, such as low skills and discipline employees; disruption of feeding and housing of animals; the individual characteristics of the animals that come into conflict with environmental conditions. Note that infertility flows is also one of
the main reasons for culling cows. Every year for this reason eliminated from the herd average of 22.6% of the total number of cull cows.
Improving the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding is possible, provided further increase livestock productivity, rapid reproduction, prevention of infertility and almost cows, the increase in the output of calves per 100 cows. Great opportunity for a rapid increase in productivity of livestock and improve his breeding qualities lie in the wide use of artificial insemination.
Studied that in recent years, despite repeated attempts to improve the state of Affairs in the reproduction of livestock, in many farms of the country's output of youngster continues to remain low. Among the reasons for the decline in fertility, it is important for the feeding and keeping of cows and heifers. Therefore, intensive reproduction of highly productive herds provides the proper level of animal husbandry and veterinary culture breeding animals.
As it is evidenced by research and practical experience, intensive cultivation of young dairy breeds with first calving at the age of 24-27 months efficient both breeding and commercial and economic points of view. Earlier insemination of heifers also provides more milk on average, each year of life of the animal, the lengthening of the period of their productive use and reproductive ability, and reduce the cost of cultivation and, because of higher economic efficiency of breeding stock.
It is established that the provision of animal feed, intensive use of bulls evaluated on the quality of offspring, individual selection using custom mattings, quality breeding replacements, training heifers for calving and the subsequent evaluation of their potential in the formation of highly productive families are the main elements of breeding work, which will ensure genetic progress in creating highly productive herds.
The research results indicate that for renewal of the productive longevity of dairy cows need to adhere to a complex of preventive measures, the main of which are: preventing misconduct during calving, mastitis, culling cows due to decrease in reproductive function and diseases of the limbs and hooves. Along with technological factors on the process of reproduction and economic impact. In particular, the lack of financial possibilities for the purchase of livestock breeding farms and foreign producers. The most effective is purchase heifers from the population or exchanging it for the bulls.
Achieving optimal milk production of cows with the lowest cost of labor and material resources is considered as the main objective of dairy cattle. Because without calving cows impossible secretion of milk, normal reproduction is the basis for efficient milk production.
According to the results of the conducted research it can be argued that the priorities of improving the economic efficiency of the production process of dairy herds, in our opinion, are: reduction in the duration of the reproductive cycle; optimizing the structure of the dairy herd; reducing the number of heifers to increase the intensity of selection of heifers for repair and expanded reproduction of productive livestock; intensification of rearing (tribal) heifers; minimization of cost of cultivation of dairy cows due to the rational use of production resources based on the introduction of scientific-technical progress; increase the productivity of dairy cattle to improve the quality of the basic tools of a new generation and financial support of the reproduction process.
Key words: dairy cattle, reproduction of livestock, cows productivity, economic efficiency, agricultural enterprises.
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