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Features of reproduction and use of human capital in the agricultural sector
The article deals with the main factors of formation and reproduction of human capital on the basis of theoretical studies of representatives of various economic schools. The scientific substantiation of the elements of the theory of human capital, reflects the socio-economic elements of the formation of human abilities to work.
Taking into account the experience of past epochs and the processed scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on this subject, the essence of the category of human capital in a narrow and broad sense was investigated, and its comparative analysis was carried out. The definition of this category has been formulated, with the possibility of using it in the practice of assessing human capital as a value, preliminary and embodied in the form of stocks of unrealized forms of the productive abilities of the individual.
The specificity of the reproduction of human capital in the agrarian economy is presented, and the processes that characterize it are defined. Features of reproduction of human capital in rural areas are characterized.
On the basis of statistical data, a comprehensive analysis of the demographic situation in rural areas was carried out, taking into account the age structure, the health status of the population, the processes of fertility and mortality, sex and age structure, aging and migration. All this, quite strongly affects the quality of human capital.
Key words: human capital, agrarian sector, national economy, demographic situation, reproduction, rural population, rural areas.
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