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Features of formation of distribution marketing channels of agricultural production of personal peasant economy (PF)
The article considers the peculiarities of the formation of marketing channels for the distribution of agricultural products PF and identifies strategic directions for their development. The urgency of studying this issue is due to ambiguity in the development of sales activities of PF, on the one hand, their role in shaping the supply of agricultural products, and on the other - complicated sales process and lack of appropriate distribution infrastructure, which does not contribute to their effective development. It is proved that the absence of a single conceptual apparatus for the definition of the distribution channel and the composition of its functions significantly complicates the interaction of scientific developments and practical approaches to the organization of distribution of agricultural products. It is reasonable to consider under the marketing channel an orderly sequence of organizations that perform one or more functions necessary to ensure the ability to purchase products by the end consumer in a convenient place, time, in the required quantity and quality at minimal cost.
The main difficulties in organizing the supply of agricultural products PF on the basis of a survey of rural households, including the following: lack of planning in production and marketing activities, episodic and spontaneous trade, its toning, lack of long-term cooperation with processing enterprises, lack of civilized infrastructure and distribution. The peculiarities of the functioning of the main channels of distribution of agricultural products of PF - trade and intermediary structures, retail and food markets, places of spontaneous trade, dairy and meat processing enterprises, procurement organizations are highlighted.
The main difficulties in the development of economic relations of farms with processing enterprises and procurement organizations are substantiated: low prices, lack of partnerships that would provide "supplier development", not an objective definition of quality, and so on.
In order to support targeted sales activities by peasant households, tools have been proposed to stimulate the development of sales marketing cooperatives, local wholesale and distribution centers with units for the organization of agricultural products from PF and to establish scientific and advisory support for business-type sales activities. higher agricultural education and a network of regional research centers.
Key words: marketing distribution channels, personal peasant economy, agricultural products, elements of distribution infrastructure.
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