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The factors of investment activities support of agricultural businesses

It is proved, that the development of agribusinesses and agriculture as a whole depends on the level and efficiency of investment activities. It is substantiated, that the character condition for the domestic agribusinesses development is decrease of investment activities, stipulated by the instability of economic processes, absence of legal guarantees for investment activities, imperfection of tax system, considerably lower investments efficiency in the agriculture compared to other branches of economy.

The consequences of the financial crises, economy recession and high inflation rates have aggravated the possibilities of agribusinesses in investment financing, both from the own and from external financial sources.

The current state of investment financing from depreciation fund was analyzed. It was found out, that the depreciation, obtained from sells, cannot be fully transformed into financial business resources due to spending this sums for current business needs and for turnover capital.

The specific features of investment activity were generalized for all stages of individual production investments circulation. It was ascertained that the speed of the investment processes depends on the specific conditions of a production and on the capital investment return. It was revealed, that the domestic agribusinesses spend less than one-third of additional income for investments due to the lack of interest for modernization of main assets.

The process stages of main assets reproduction were characterized: draft, construction and the rated capacity development.

It was proved, that the investments should be carried out basing on an active development and use of innovative potential. The influence factors on the investment activity of agribusinesses were systematized.

The priority investment policy directions were drafted for the domestic businesses, which will allow to increase the volume of investment resources and their efficiency. We consider that the key factor for the search of activation of agribusinesses investment activities is the investment climate. It is proved, that the increase of agribusinesses investment activities is possible only when the proper conditions for the investments in agrarian sector are created.

Key words: investments, investment activity, agribusinesses, investment sources, depreciation, investment complex, investment policy, investment capital.

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