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The efficiency of bioethanol production from sugar beet processing in Ukraine



It was investigated the possibilities and efficiency of bioethanol production from sugar beet processing in Ukraine. It was given the cost price of bioethanol production from molasses and sugar beet. It was calculated the forecast of sugar production from sugar beet molasses and the perspectives for bio-ethanol processing for 2012/13 MY in Ukraine.

Key words: economic efficiency, bioethanol, sugar beet, sugar beet processing products, sugar, molasses.


1. Kodens'ka M. Ju. Peredumovy rozvytku ta investuvannja bioetanolovoi' galuzi u cukroburjakovomu vyrobnyctvi / M. Ju. Kodens'ka : materialy mizhnar. nauk.-tehn. konf. cukrovykiv Ukrai'ny [“Cukroburjakove vyrobnyctvo v umovah reformuvannja nacional'noi' ekonomiky”], (m. Kyi'v, 27–28 berez. 2012 r.) – K. : Cukor Ukrai'ny, 2012. – S. 193–199.
2. Strategichni naprjamy rozvytku sil's'kogo gospodarstva Ukrai'ny na period do 2020 roku / [za red. Ju. O. Lupenka, V. Ja. Mesel'-Veseljaka]. – [2-ge vyd., pererobl. i dopov.] – K.: NNC “IAE”, 2012. – 218 s.


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