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The effectiveness of the marketing activity of the enterprises of egg poultry farming
The article discusses the features of sales of Ukrainian enterprises egg and poultry and the main trends of egg products of poultry in Ukraine are given. The authors analyze the current state and tendencies of development of egg poultry in Ukraine, presents an analytical assessment of the value of the industry in the conditions of market economy and in the context of Ukraine's accession to the World trade organization.
As it is evidenced by the results of the study currently, the egg market is in the process of monopolization. So, 20 farms sell 67% of eggs of the total, which are a part of a powerful vertically integrated structures.
In the present economic conditions agricultural enterprises of different forms can have their business activities profitable and they can carry out 50000 thousand eggs or more per year. Their number is about 46 households, or 24% of the total population. However, the largest share in the sales structure of the eggs is 17 farms in 2012 to implement 46.4% from total amount of the sold eggs that provides a high level of profitability (74,4%).
As it is evidenced by studies of the marketing activity in this group of agricultural enterprises, high levels of profitability is ensured not only a high level of technological support of the production process, but also an effective marketing policy management of farms. So, in this group the highest level of procurement prices, which on 17 UAH/1000 higher than enterprises that implement more than 500,000 thousand.
Now the main sales channels of eggs in Ukraine are retail and wholesale network, own shops, farmers market, sales of eggs for processing, as well as directly to the public.
Under marketing channels understand the sale of own products distributors, trading houses, direct delivery of products for export, the implementation of trade networks, various wholesale buyers and Resellers.
The most popular place for buying of eggs there is a market. Almost 56% of consumers buy eggs it on the market, 36% prefer trade. In supermarkets, buy 31% of respondents. The least attractive are grocery stores, where to buy eggs 22% of consumers, although 80% of small grocery trade schools offered no chicken eggs.
During the study period, the observed minor structural changes in the structure of distribution channels eggs. The largest share of sales in other channels, due to the expansion of the distribution system through a network of hypermarkets and other trade schools.
At the same time, there was an increase in sales processing enterprises. However, a significant effect on the change in the sales structure of the eggs of agricultural enterprises is not a little due to the limited proportion of this distribution channel. There is a gradual decrease in sales of the reduction of the implementation of the population through a network of retail markets and institutions proprietary trading.
Individuals who bought eggs for resale purposes could not withstand the competition with a network of retailers both in price and quality segments. The adoption of new legislation that toughens requirements for the specific product is almost impossible sales egg poultry in unconditioned areas, which had a negative effect on the development of retail trade individuals - subjects of entrepreneurial activity.
Identified the main factors affecting sale of egg products of poultry in Ukraine, and identified a number of problematic issues, the solution of which will lead to increase of efficiency of activity of Ukrainian enterprises - manufacturers of products that are investigated.
Key words: egg poultry farming, globalization, the competitiveness of products.
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