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The economic aspects of the animal products in Ukraine


The importance for the economy of the state and the welfare of the population has a stable condition and competitive development of the agricultural complex enterprises, which includes enterprises of agricultural products production and processing.

The modern state of industry has positive tendencies in all sectors development of the livestock. As proof of the positive trends of farm animals and poultry growth stock are in all categories of the agricultural producers.

The crisis situation in animal husbandry, the rate of increase in the number of pigs demonstrates positive changes in this area. According to the Association of pig-breeders of Ukraine, pork production in Ukraine in 2013 may make 770-780 thousand tons, that on 5-7 % more than in 2012. Due to the growth of production decreases, the share of imports: the results of the last year and the rate of imported meat was 37 %, and the expected figure for the current year is 33-35%. This gives the opportunity to say about gradual decrease of the import in the next 5-7 years.

A similar situation is observed and led in the production of the livestock products meat poultry, and egg.

Despite the General positive trends in the main sectors of the and the major part of agricultural animals concentrated in households.

The dominance of the basic livestock products production in farms of the population is due to several factors. Firstly, directions of the agricultural enterprises livestock development and in the private sector during 1990-2009 biennium, leading to the termination of the animal husbandry production in the majority of farms in the corporate sector. Livestock production for the most rural household sources of income and food.

Potential procurement of livestock products from farms under-utilized. In the process of production and implementation, they have a number of significant legal, economic and animal health problems that reduce the efficiency of production and the quality of the livestock products.

In connection with Ukraine's accession to the WTO, with the subsequent output of domestic products on the world market there is a problem of the domestic and foreign convergence standards of safety performance.

The current situation in the livestock industry of agricultural enterprises is characterized as a process of the industry revival. The main emphasis in this sector agriculture is the production of basic livestock products in medium and large agricultural enterprises, which have the human, technical and financial resources to increase output. An example is the revival of the meat and egg poultry farming, where highly concentrated in agricultural enterprises produce up to 90% of this animal products type.

Currently intensive development of the most livestock sub-sectors in the agricultural enterprises is carried out using the latest intensive technologies, the natural growth result of the efficiency of production indicators.

Ukraine has great chances to become an exporter not only of chicken, and pork. On the one hand, we have positive dynamics of production. On the other - there are problems, because the export produce carcass of a certain category selection, since the vast majority of livestock is concentrated in households in which there are more grown sebaceous pigs. Another factor is attitude of the importing countries to meat plant and their products. In this regard, it is an urgent problem to complete the process of national standards harmonization for the production of livestock products to European that would prevent the manifestation of negative phenomena during the export of Ukrainian meat products.

Key words: animal husbandry, farming people, the quality of animal products.


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