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Ecological and economic development of agricultural production on the basis of implementing the concept of «green economy»

Towards to a balanced distribution of financial resources and one of the major barriers to environmental and economic development of agricultural production is unexpected and unpredictable costs of operating and production systems with the aftermath of environmental violations and natural disasters. Miscalculations made in agriculture in the last century led to the major, destructive consequences in the functioning of agricultural systems, creating a number of unresolved problems still.

The study aims to ecological study and economic paradigm of agricultural development on the basis of implementing the «green economy»concept. The main studyobjectives include: identifying ways and main tasks of implementing «green economy» in agricultural production; formation of complex scientific, technical, organizational and economic problems of adjustment for efficient production of environmentally friendly products in terms of minimizing the use of natural resources; the study of socio-economic content of implementing the concept «green economy» in agriculture and its environmental and economic consequences.

Theoretical and methodological basis of research is the systematic and comprehensive approach to the economicstudy and environmental development, monographic, abstract logical method of comparison and generalisation.

It is proved that the concept of «green economy» does not replace the sustainable developmentconcept, but is now more widespread recognition that the sustainabilityachieving depends entirely on the creating proper economy. «Green Economy» is considered as the economy, which aims are to preserve the society, through the effective use of natural resources, and provides end-use products return to the production cycle.

Proved that one of the important tasks of the «green economy» is to contribute to the reform that encourages environmental investments and covering all sectors of the economy and politics. The result of this involvement in the public and private sector investments perceived reduction of carbon emissions and slow down pollution, more efficient use of resources and energy, prevent the biodiversity loss and ecosystems, as well as income growth and employment.

The author noted that friendly or «green»technologies form the basis of green economy, and therefore are considered new technologies or business models that offer investors and buyers along with providing solutions to global problems also get a competitive return.

By all means of establishing effective production of environmentally friendly products include: solving complex scientific, technical, organizational and economic problems through the establishment of special government incentive programs and the signing of various international agreements, treaties. As a result the expected resolution of scientific, technical and related issues developed system implementation and monitoring of production technology of environmentally friendly products, the system of quality control and certification systems of production and promotion of the use of environmentally friendly products.

The author of these features of the development of green policies. Determined that the environmental and economic development of agriculture on the basis of implementing the concept of «green economy» is designed to meet the continuously increasing food needs, affect the product quality. Whereas, the responsibility of «green economy» are important lifeareas, in the implementation of its main components is seen and socio-economic content that is revealed through the possibility of creating new jobs in rural areas and improve people's lives.

So, are the following major transition to «green» agriculture: development of appropriate legal support; government subsidies and incentives for «green business»; financial assistance to implement clean technologies; infrastructure and integration links. To implement such measures necessary public and private efforts. First of all, it is about supporting «green» production through targeted state programs, reforms in the regulatory and tax policies.

Areas of economic development in the future should be directed to the preservation, restoration and augmentation of natural capital as a critical economic asset and source of public goods that should be considered in the future research.

Key words: ecological and economic development, agricultural production, green economy.

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