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Development of partnership relations between business and government in the system of Ukraine sustainable energy security

The article substantiates the need to intensify the development of partnership relations between business and government in the direction of ensuring sustainable energy security of the country. Scientific research in the field of energy security by domestic scientists is systematized and conclusions are drawn about the need to combine the efforts of the state and business in ensuring energy security. The study was conducted on the basis of a systemic approach, using the method of dialectics, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. It is proved that the war in the country had a negative impact on energy security and led to an understanding the need to diversify sources of energy resources.
The practice of leading countries in the world in the development of renewable energy sources on the basis of adopted national programs is summarized. The tools for supporting Ukrainian business in the development of alternative energy sources, implementation of energy efficiency projects, which are insufficient to achieve the country's energy security, are highlighted.
The regulatory and legal support for Ukraine's energy policy and the directions of NPC Ukrenergo for their implementation in practice are revealed. The sources of energy resources in leading countries of the world and Ukraine are analyzed, which allowed us to conclude that they need to be diversified in domestic conditions. The author pays special attention to the development of such a source as geothermal energy.
The approaches of individual countries of the world that were under the conditions of military operations to ensure stable energy supply are presented: diversification of energy sources, creation of energy systems, introduction of energy saving measures and programs.
The implementation of energy saving measures under domestic conditions is proposed through education of the population, changes in educational programs in higher and vocational education institutions with the inclusion of educational components on resource and energy-saving technologies.
Key words: energy, security, public administration, energy consumption, sustainable development


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