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Development of mutual relations between agricultural universities and business structures based on trust as a tool for increasing competitiveness
The results of the domestic and foreign scientists research on the concepts of relationship marketing for the selection of partners, the formation of ong-term partnership relations and the optimization process of making managerial decisions of the enterprise, including taking into account the specifics of higher education services, are summarized. The conditions for using the theory of relationship marketing regarding the interaction of universities and business structures are determined. The theoretical aspects of the partnership relations formation of agricultural universities and business structures based on trust were systematized and practical recommendations regarding the organizational support of their development were substantiated. A system of methods was used: systematization, logical-structural, comparative and causal analysis of scientific literature, general scientific research methods, formalization of criteria, algorithmization, method of comparative analysis.
It is substantiated that the marketing of mutual relations not only allows to increase the competitiveness of the university, but also has a positive effect on the effectiveness of other partners activities on the new coordination of all participants interests of the educational and scientific environment. The features of the trust concept, the stages of development and the main forms of interaction in the system of relations between higher education institutions and business are determined. It is proposed to take into account the influence of trust on the investment attractiveness of rural areas and regions, as well as on the development of smart-specialization and digitalization projects, the success of which is determined by the scale and strength of partnerships between agricultural universities and business structures. Organizational approaches to the expansion of partnership in educational, scientific-innovative and social areas of educational organizations activity are highlighted and stimulating factors of mutual relations are determined in order of importance. The components and elements of organizational support for the development of relations between agrarian universities and business structures are proposed and determined in order to increase competitiveness by building trusting relationships between participants. It has been proven that the implementation of these elements will contribute to the transition of mutual relations to a strategic partnership and, as a result, to the creation of positive prerequisites and conditions for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural universities. Factors that prevent and promote the development of interaction between universities and agribusiness are systematized, and the effects that participants receive from the partnership are highlighted. It was established that formal and informal institutions are used to achieve the goals and priorities of activities by the participants of the interaction in the organization of mutual relations. Amendments to strategic development documents, partnership programs, and organization of interaction participants activities are proposed.
Key words: agribusiness, business structure, institution of higher agricultural education, competitiveness, concepts of relationship marketing, scientific and innovative services, employers, educational services.
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