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Conceptual principles of strategic management of dairy enterprises
The article examines the strategy development framework of dairy enterprises, which provide a gradual and consistent change in production activity principles in the direction of growth.It is proved that the development strategy can be effective only through the introduction of organizational and economic mechanism of interaction of the structural centers creating income, which provides a reproductive process within the business unit on the extended type.
The feasibility of strategic development justification of dairy enterprises in conditions of uncertainty and strengthening of crisis phenomenon was highlighted, for the following reasons: the dairy industry is represented by a set of economic entities, the majority of which does not belong to large integrated structures; the sectoral specificity of milk production complicates the possibility of influencing on the determination of business priority parameters.It is argued that in agriculture the most acceptable is the strategy of differentiated growth at the individual economic entity level, which contributes to the fuller use of production and resource potential, reduces the risk of commercial losses, increases sustainability, etc.).
It is proved that strategic management in dairy farms is a process of developing a promising model of the future organization’ condition, which allows to take into account the impact of environmental factors and includes a set of adaptation and growth strategies to neutralize and flexibly adapt to their negative impact.It is shown that the model of strategic management in dairy farming should focus on the intensive type of development on the basis of introduction of innovative technologies and includes six consistent stages.
It is highlighted that the dairy farming development strategy in agricultural enterprises should be focused on maximizing the “return” of the incentive characteristics of the industry basing on the flexible use of all strategy elements.It is argued that one of the measures to mitigate the negative impact of environmental factors on the dairy farming development is to increase the internal potential of innovation in both production and marketing environments of agricultural enterprises.
Key words: strategic management, development strategy, enterprise, dairy cattle breeding, innovations.
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