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Conceptual bases of agricultural enterprises development
The subject of scientifc research is the scientifc and practical principles of development of various types of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the conceptual directions of production in small, medium and large agricultural enterprises in the war and postwar period. The data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, regulatory acts of Ukraine and the scientifc research (abstract-logical, system approach, monographic, statistical-economic method) were used. Based on the retrospective analysis of agricultural enterprises production efciency, the key areas of economic activity of large, medium and small agricultural enterprises are identifed. In the conditions of wartime and the further postwar period, when a signifcant decline in investment activity is expected, agricultural production will be oriented towards more labor-intensive and less capital-intensive types of agribusiness, in particular in small and medium agricultural enterprises. In agricultural enterprises there is a different share of working capital in the total value of assets. In small enterprises, the capital structure is dominated by working capital, while in large – fxed capital and capital security is 3-4 times higher than in other types of enterprises in the branch. Based on this, in a state of war and the risk of capital investment in the industry, the most economically advantageous is the situation in small and medium enterprises, where the best rates of return on investment and rates of return. It is proved that for large agricultural enterprises it is necessary to determine the economic vectors of their development in the short and medium term. In particular, to diversify agribusiness and combine the development of crop and livestock production, to diversify sales channels to the external food market, and to focus on the domestic consumer market. Also, these companies need to pay attention to the production of biofuels, other energy resources and more. Based on the analysis of capital investment in various types of agricultural enterprises, the directions of investment in agricultural machinery and equipment are substantiated (they can be moved quickly in case of the military front approach). Such investment and reproduction processes can be traced in small and medium enterprises, in contrast to large enterprises, which have invested a lot in the construction of production and logistics facilities. Small, medium and large forms of entrepreneurship in agribusiness should take their place in the economy of rural areas. The study has generalized the conceptual directions – strategic landmarks of social and economic development of various types of agricultural enterprises for the future period are.
Key words: entrepreneurship, agricultural enterprise, farming, food security, employment, economic efciency, capital investments.
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