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Characteristics of grains production potential components in agricultural enterprises
The methods of forming the rational structure of the ruling the quality of mixed fodder’s producing at agricultural enterprises is this article. The task of the choice of the best variant of TS which is realired in two phases is solved. The task of the first stage is to form possible variants for the recipe of mixed fodders producing by TP, and the copnpeting ones ave being chosen. The second stade is when OPR defines the best draft version by wing formal or informals procedures.
Nowadays the actual question is put to improve the technics of the producing a saving the mixed fodder’s a wing up-to-date mechanisms a equipment that let the all the biological harvest to be made info the quality fodders. But the question of rational wing the fodders is also very important. It is proved in practice that feeding of animals a birds won’t be productive if their needs in variance vital elements are not provided in optimum.
The main goals a tasks are based on the fulfilling the methods of forming the rational structure of operating the quality on factories that produce fodders.
The progress of these goals is due to the necessity of fulfilling such tasks: - to make a thoroush analysis of producing fodders from the producers of fodders to the output a realization of them to the customers a to designate the hierarchy of levels, according to the way of producing structural elements systematielly, - to work out the methods of solving the problem of forming the rational structure of operating the quality in factories that produce fodders.
The sources a methods of researching. Scientific recearches were made on the matters of TOV «Smilansky agrosoyuz», Smila, Cherkassy region. The theoretical regearches are based on the wing of the systematical approach a experience of the leading enterprises of this branch with the control of quality the fodders. To solve the tasks put fundamental scientific thesis of the theory quality operating were used as well as of the theory of decisions approval, a of the calibration, qualimetry, the methods of the statistic control of quality a the system analysis a experts marking.
Researches results a their discussing. When we even less fodder, but the fodder contains more vital elements, we can get the same or even more amount of out put production, than when we use the more amount of less quality fodder. The most effective way to feed animals a birds is wing fodders of befter quality.
Nowadays, taking into account hard situation is our country we see the decline of producing fodders a agricultural production. The technological links between the factories that make fodders a agricultural subjects are being wined. Earlier when such subjects had been formed, all the perspectives of development the hystem of producing fodders a agricultural products were taken info account, but at present every agricultural producer in forming its own conception a business plan where it takes into account only its own interest, then in many cases has temporary a conjunctural way.
The functioning of fodder industry in impossible without the cooperation between agricultural braches. The great amount of agricultural products from abroad negatively influenced on our agricultural brauch, which has been very weakened by means of so-called agricultural reformation. The drastic decline of fodder producing caused the significant reduction of production capacity of enterprises a also the increasing of costs per whit of production. To overcome the negative trends in fodder industry, to make the conditions of safe reliable supply the stock raising with hish-quality fodders and optimal prices, all this needs working out the whole system to control the value of production, taking into account the influence of the integrating processes in АPС.
Key words: agricultural enterprise, grain, resource potential, labour resources, technical potential, plants growing, yield.
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