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Analysis of the structure of grain production in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine
It is proved here that the most important component of the agro-industrial complex is the grain industry, which determines the basis of the economic security of the country. Grain production occupies a leading place in the structure of the agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine. The level of effectiveness of its development depends on the welfare of the population, ensuring national food security, export opportunities of the country. To hold positions in the international arena for the sale of grain, domestic producers must continually invest in improving the efficiency of industry, and to implement innovative technologies to produce competitive products.
It is established that at the present time there is a concentration of production resources of agricultural enterprises in the production and sale of crops, mainly corn and sunflower. During 2005-2013, there is a decrease in the share of agricultural enterprises, which specialize in the production of grain and leguminous crops.
It should be noted that during 2005-2013, the share of grain and leguminous crops in the structure of commodity products of agricultural enterprises did not change significantly. There have been significant changes in the structure of the group has increased the proportion of corn at lower barley. This situation is explained by lower productivity and profitability of barley compared to corn. Another factor that made agricultural producers reduce the acreage under barley, was limited demand from foreign buyers.
Corn production is widespread in Ukraine due to its high yield and the yield of the crops, as well as favorable climatic conditions. During 2005-2013, there is a gradual decrease of this indicator, which is characterized as the deepening of specialization cultivation of some crops, for which there is demand.
Note that the share of production of grain subcomplex was 33.1% in the structure of crop production. A significant share of cereals are grains of crops, including winter wheat and spring barley, significant part of which are exported. High quality corn winter wheat is the basis of the food stock of the country. The barley grain is used in food industry for production of cereals and beer, but also as a valuable concentrated feed for livestock and poultry.
Structurally, among cereals wheat for the last 6 years he held 55-65,6% of crops, barley ranged 31-41,2% of the area. In Ukraine prefer cultivating winter forms of wheat, which give a higher yield than spring form. In addition thus more evenly distributed financial load on the spring and autumn field work.
It is determined that the main producers of wheat in Ukraine, Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv and Odessa region, on average, over the last 5 years, collected at 33-35% of the total grain volume. In 2013 received 22 million tons of wheat, which allowed Ukraine to enter the TOP 10 on the volume of its production in the world. The leading regions of barley cultivation in Ukraine, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad and Cherkasy region which accounts for almost 40% of the total gross yield.
The index yields in Ukraine in 2013 was 30 kg/ha of grain, which corresponds to the average - 32 t/ha At the same time in the EU yields were about 50 kg/ha
It is known that the grain: agricultural production in economic terms has several advantages: well kept in dry form, is easily transported over long distances, has a high degree of flowability. All these features of the grain used in the construction of grain elevators, granaries, as well as during transport and the creation of food and feed.
It is established that the change in the structure of the grain wedge materially affected by economic factors and first of all the prices that largely stimulated the production of wheat. The main crops and grains that are grown agricultural enterprises are wheat, maize, barley. So, during the study period there was a growth in the number of medium and large agricultural enterprises that produce wheat, corn, reducing the number of agricultural enterprises, which are grown barley.
Note that structural changes have not improved the situation in the grain sector. To ensure stable growth of grain production, to improve its quality, more efficient use of grain resources is possible only through an integrated, balanced and sustainable development of the industry. Its basis is the improvement of the structure of grain production, increase of soil fertility, efficient economic management mechanism, which involves a radical change of the existing system of regulating the production, sale and use of grain
So, throughout the study period, the process of concentration of production of the main cereal crops, maize and barley. A significant increase in the concentration of production of corn for grain, with a decrease of this indicator shows a decline in the economic attractiveness of barley cultivation. As demonstrated by the results of the research, there has been a gradual increase in the number of farmers who grow corn.
Focus on the cultivation of monocultures, in particular, maize led to the violation Sosni. large-scale agricultural enterprises, which specialize in the production of wheat, maize trying to build the value chain from producer to consumer, bypassing numerous intermediaries. Assessing the structure of sown areas of agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to specify that the scientific recommendations on the share of crops in total crop area should account for up to 50%. The actual value exceeds the standard 2.7-3.2 percent. It should be noted that a high proportion of cereals and sunflower not allow you to apply science-based crop rotations.
Note that the narrow specialization of agricultural producers, and sometimes almost monoculture increases the risks as agrobiological and economic nature. Breach of rotation leads to the depletion of soils, pests, unstable yields and significant dependence of the results of management from the climatic conditions of a particular year.
The results of the research showed that the achievement of high yields of cereals in recent years is due to the significant increase in maize production. The main factors contributing to this, there is scientific achievements of breeders to create high-yielding and early-maturing corn hybrids with high lagattuta that, along with climate change contributed to the growth of productivity and the expansion of the range of its growth. The estimation of the index of horizontal diversification grain crops in the agricultural enterprises of Ukraine has allowed to establish that during the study period is the deepening of specialization cultivation of some crops, for which there is demand. Thus, the majority of agricultural enterprises have formed an optimal set of crops, ensuring profitability.
Key words: grain production, agricultural enterprises, economic efficiency, diversification, concentration, agricultural sector.
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