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Determination of fair prices of risk asset
This article describes the fair prices of risk assets , and specify the conditions that a given random process is martingale.
Determining the fair price of risk assets in the overall markets is a solution problem, in particular the price, you can find the
formula of Black - Scholes, for incomplete markets, the question remains open.
Most of the works on this subject are modeling the behavior of the overall market assets, that is, markets in which the
evolution of each security has a unique martingale world. However, research shows that all markets are incomplete, that is, there
is no single measure martingalnoi for one risky asset. In this regard, the problem arises of describing all martingale measures for
the valuation of liabilities and build strategies to protect investments in this security (hedging strategies). It is to this type of
problems and belongs to a task which is solved in this article.
The state of economic theory and accumulated facts from the different branches of the economic science require to analyze
the concept of the description of economy systems. The economic reality generates the problems the solution of that is only
possible by a new paradigm of the description of economy system. The classical mathematical economics is based on a notion of
the rational customer choise generated by a certain preference relation on some set of goods a consumer wanted and the concept
of maximization of the firm profit. The sense of the notion of the rational consumer choise is that it is determined by a certain
function, definding the choise of a consumer by maximization of it on a certain budget set of goods. Moreover, choises of
consumers are independent. In the reality choises of consumers are not independent.
Keywords: martingale measure, Radon-Nikodim derivative, risk asset.
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