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Strategic priorities for the development of the agri-food sector of Ukraine's economy
The article proves that the current stage of development of the agro-food sector of the country's economy is characterized by strong positions in world exports of agricultural raw materials and low-processed products (cereals, sunflower oil, etc.) and has import dependence on certain deep-processed products. . It is obvious that this situation does not contribute to food security, but also is an obstacle to increasing the global competitiveness of the studied sector and the country as a whole.
It is argued that new risks, threats and opportunities necessitate the substantiation of strategic priorities for the development of the agri-food sector of the country's economy, taking into account current trends of innovation and sustainability. It has been determined that the development of deep processing of livestock products should be a priority in the meat processing industry and the deterrents of its implementation have been identified. Measures to implement this strategic priority are substantiated, namely the commissioning of new facilities for slaughter and deep processing, equipped with high-efficiency energy-saving innovative equipment, setting up the organization of raw material collection (including by-products).
It is determined that the priority directions of development of milk supply chains should be: technical re-equipment, modernization and reconstruction of milk production, introduction of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technological lines; construction of new and modernization of functioning milk-receiving cooling and primary milk processing points, creation of small-sized milk processing shops on a cooperative basis; development of deep processing of raw milk and creation of production of such products as casein, whey powder, lactose, whey proteins, etc. The directions of development of deep processing of grain and sugar beets are given, which will promote the diversification of the product range.
It is proved that in the current conditions of agri-food sector development the instruments of state regulation of certain types of production should be considered in the complex of support of both agricultural producers and processing enterprises, which will promote synergy for each level of the supply chain.
It is argued that the development of agri-food production will be influenced by scientific and technological changes, increasing global challenges, increasing demand for food, slowing productivity growth in the sector and reducing its resource potential, growing urban population and implementing sustainable development principles. take into account in the strategic perspective.
It is substantiated that one of the priority areas is the development of the sector of waste processing in agri-food production and food at the stage of consumption is a necessary condition for ensuring sustainability and competitiveness of agri-food production, which will increase added value and create new jobs natural environment, etc.
Key words: agri-food sector, strategic priorities, in-depth processing, meat and dairy production, innovation, sustainability.
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